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Kinematic Equations for Linear Motion

(For constant acceleration ONLY) ** To select the appropriate equation to solve a particular problem:
1) List what quantities are given - (will be 3) 2) List what is being asked for - (will be 1). 3) Find the equation in the table that contains all 4 involved quantities.

Equation 1) v f = vi + at 2) v f = vi + 2ax
2 2

Involved Quantities
vi , v f , a, t

Unneeded Quantity x

x, v f , vi , a

1 3) x = vi t + at 2 2
1 4) x = (v f + vi )t 2 1 5) x = v f t at 2 2

x, vi , a, t
x, v f , vi , t x, v f , a, t



** x = ( x f xi ) ** These equations work for motion in ANY one direction ** If x also represents the total distance in only 1 direction, you can replace x with d (for distance) and then think of vf and vi in terms of speed rather than velocity

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