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Moors, Venice, and Cyprus in Shakespeares Time Give-One-Get-One

What is Othellos ethnicity? Where does Moor come from? Moors Time Period: Religion: Moor Stereotype 1:

Moor Stereotype 2:

Moors Countries from 700 A.D. to 1600s:

Moors Descend From:

Where is Venice?

Italian Stereotype in Elizabethan England 1:

Where is Cyprus?

Venice during Shakespeares time 1:

Moor Stereotype 3:

What is an ensign?

Italians in Elizabethan England:

Moor Stereotype 4:

Italian Stereotype in Elizabethan England 2:

Othellos Position:

Venice during Shakespeares time 2:

Italian Stereotype in Elizabethan England 3:

Who: moors Name: from Greek mauros = dark Time period: Medieval Europe Religion: Muslim Ethnicities: Black African & Arab Countries: Spain, Portugal, France Moor Stereotype 1: animalistic, sexually over-active Moor Stereotype 2: barbarous, devilish Moor Stereotype 3: foolish outsider MoMoor Stereotype 4: prone to jealousy Where is Venice? Italy Italian stereotypes in Eliz. England: Ensign: junior officer, ancient Italians in Elizabethan England: forbidden to marry outsiders Italian stereotype in England: Venice during Shakespeares time 1: Army general required to be foreigner Cyprus: island in Mediterranean sea

On the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage, Italy was depicted as a decadent, (1) corrupt, politically devious society, a hotbed of family betrayal, incest, murder, and treachery of every conceivable form. Read more: Italians - Italy, Term, English, and Wop - JRank Articles
2. Stereotype: unnatural sexual preferences Othellos Position: General of Venices Army Venice during Shakespeares time 2: image of luxury, high culture

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