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Gaia Education - Ecovillage Design Curriculum - Ecovillage Wiki

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Gaia Education - Ecovillage Design Curriculum

The Ecovillage Design Curriculum is an evolving, comprehensive, and flexible resource for educators who want to help create a more sustainable future. The curriculum was first developed by an international group of educators called Global Ecovillage Educators for a Sustainable Earth (GEESE) who met at the Findhorn Foundation, Scotland in June of 2004 and again at Galgafarm, Hungary in June of 2005. The curriculum is organized into four Dimensions, each with five Modules. You can learn more about each module by following the links below and discover and share additional Resources. It is also possible to use this curriculum to create a Certified Course in your own region. Please Contact Us with your questions and suggestions.

Contents 1 Ecological: 2 Social: 3 Economic: 4 Worldview:

1. Ecological and Social Aspects of Ecovillage Design 2. Green Building and Retrofitting 3. Local Food 4. Appropriate Technology 5. Restoring Nature

1. Building Community & Embracing Diversity 2. Communication Skills: Conflict and Resolution 3. Personal Empowerment and Leadership 4. Health and Healing 5. Bioregionalism

1. Shifting the Global Economy to Sustainability 2. Right Livelihood 3. Nurturing Local Economies 4. Complementary Currencies 5. Legal and Financial Issues

1. Holistic Worldview 2. Listening to Nature 3. Awakening and Transformation of Consciousness 4. Celebrating Life: Creativity and Art 5. Spiritual Activism

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17/02/2009 15:50

Gaia Education - Ecovillage Design Curriculum - Ecovillage Wiki

Category: Education

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17/02/2009 15:50

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