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Compassion: The Soul of Americas Political and Social Values

All over the world, there are those who genuinely want to understand and help others in distress. They are people who have the ability to put themselves in anothers place, treating others, as they would like to be treated. That is the essence of compassion and the meaning of The Golden Rule. Many acts of compassion take place in everyday life. On a cold day in Windsor, Conn., police Sgt. Todd Spencer changes a womans tire. At Unionville Community High School in Bedford County, Tenn., three high school seniors decide that whoever wins the homecoming king title would give their crown to Scott Maloney, a junior afflicted with Williams Syndrome. Cross-country runner Ivn Fernndez Anaya, running a race in Burlada, Navarre, was second behind Kenyan Olympian bronze medalist Abel Mutai. Thinking he had crossed the finish line, Mutai backed off. Anaya, who could have taken advantage of Muai and won, purposely stayed behind and directed Mutai across the line. Ohios Arlington High School runner Arden McMath had about 20 meters to go when she collapsed in front of West Liberty-Salem High Schools runner Meghan Vogel. Rather than run by her, Vogel helped McMath to her feet and carried her across the finish line. These are not extraordinary acts of compassion. Compassion has been a companion of every national and international disaster. It has been the soul of Americas political and social values for a long time. In the Republican Party today, however, compassion is practically nonexistent. Republicans care more about their political life than what is good for America and helping those Americans who need their help dealing with lifes calamities and misfortunes. Republicans, and some Democrats as well, pay lip service to tragedies like Sandy Hook by

standing against gun control legislation that will marginalize the conditions that contribute to the slaughter. Republicans are determined to repeal the Affordable Care Act, they want to significantly change Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and have been reluctant to pass legislation that extends unemployment benefits. Republicans pay lip service to the critical role neighbors helping neighbors play in national disasters while failing to genuinely understand the same critical role compassion plays in the work they should be doing: helping Americans in distress.

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