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Carl Valdes September 18, 2012 6 7 Cave Story When I entered the cave, something strange happened.

. I looked at the walls of the cave and saw something that looked like a hand turkey. I walked up to it and I saw more than just one but a lot of them all over the cave. I saw bison I saw stick figures I saw a lot more down the hall. I was confused by all the paintings. I felt goose bumps everywhere, I felt a weird presence as if someone was next to me, but there wasnt. I tried to get past the feeling and kept walking. When I got farther in the cave, the presence was even stronger as if the paintings were watching me. I looked around thinking that the paintings might be more than paintings. When I got farther in the paintings got bigger as the cave got bigger. I finally got to a drop off. I wondered if I could go down there. How would anyone else get down there? I decided not to go down. But when I turned around, something was there that wasnt there before. It was an old atlatl arrow on the wall. What else has entered the cave? I studied the arrow it looked old the wood had molded into two colors dark brown and bright brown. I decided to start to head back, when I got near the entrance, I felt that presence still around, but not as much as I did before, I decided that I had seen the past and much more. I decided to leave the cave untouched.

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