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The Wisdom's Drown

T'is the art that fell from the lips of Muses Fostered and groomed in the arms of masses Since the dawn of light, through the darken'd days Writhing wretchedness to be shoved aside.

The wondrous shapes and lines on parchments old. Life in yellowed tones told Of men and women in the course of grander dawns Never fearing, ne'er perspiring in the drab

Lost, we have, all the glories of the ages past, No more are those perfect lines cast In no tales and no verses they appear The language of the higher power.

Ecstasy those firm sounds provides, Tumbling down from deepest desires. Deprived are we of those magnificent ways, What more canst I say!

Faded are the coats of arms, Tarnished the silver swords. Rusted and brittled, bravery Courage has fled with mockery.

Oh, what age is this? Such misery! Shalt of course end in despondency!

Not one single knight doth rise In these bloodstained land that grieves.

Valor is mocked and chivalry lost Morality choked and jealous boasts. To ruin these paths do lead There blood shall flow in of tides.

No dawn, no morning, nothing bright, Only worries and daily rambles slight. Conceit and corruption murdered all rights, Protest and violence slay all might.

Oh! How radiant sunrises we have passed? The times when knights and kings surpassed, All unworthy thoughts in their empires great. Never more shalt those times again open gates.

Misery, yes, misery wherever my eyes fall This must be the mankind's pall! Surely, those dark clouds resemble the shroud. How much more shalt you brag, oh ye proud?

They hold their head high in arrogance, Unaware of the sterling stiletto's diligence. Knowledge did seem to the new age's dawn, Now, alas, it shall be the mortals' drown.

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