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You bastard! the woman shouted as she took out a gun and aimed at Sherlock Holmes.

But John Watson, with his quick reflexes, threw himself on top of her and in the blink of an eye, twisted her wrists towards her back and squeezed them to make her drop the weapon. The young woman screeched as she was rendered immobilised. The officers ran and handcuffed her. Sherlock smiled at John. Once again his husband had just saved his life.

That was amazing! John exclaimed, while he and Sherlock left the building. You were right again. Im always right, the detective smiled, proud. And you dont get tired of saying it, he reproached him. Its almost as if you enjoyed surprising me. Sherlock, so cold and arrogant, hugged him warmly in the middle of the street and kissed him. In the intimate moments with his John, he had become a different person. Surprising you turns me on, the detective whispered in his ear. His husband flashed him an enigmatic smile. When we get to Baker Street, I will be the one surprising you with my news. Really? Sherlock exclaimed. What he loved most, besides John of course, was deducing cryptic messages and anticipating news. All right, give me a clue. Im not giving you one this time, John laughed. Sherlock rubbed his chin in a toughtful manner. You left early today, while I was sleeping, he recalled. Supposedly sleeping, John, because as soon as you left the bed, I opened my eyes. You took a taxi heading north and came back two hours later, before breakfast. Yesterday, for example.... Sherlock, John sighed, stopping. I will ask you for once in your life: dont deduce, please. This surprise is important to me and it will be to you. Dont spoil it. Sherlock exhaled a frustrating sigh. John kissed him back again. .. It had been three years since Sherlock Holmes and John Watson had met in the morgue of St. Barts. They had barely moved to 221B Baker Street when they were involved in the first case. They shared many more adventures until they crossed paths with Jim Moriarty at a pool. There something happened that changed their relationship forever: John risked his life so Sherlock could escape. He didnt mind getting shot, or that Sherlock abandoned him and that later, in retaliation or simply for pleasure, Moriarty and his henchmen tortured him until he died. He only thought

of making Sherlock Holmes safe. Of course the detective didnt run. But he had been lost for words at that gesture. After the incident, the detective put the pieces together and deduced the elemental: John was in love with him. For the worlds only consultant detective, arriving at that hypothesis was not complicated, but the matter got tricky when he had to bring his own feelings to the surface. And how did he feel about John? He cared for him and greatly. That was true. But he felt more intense emotions. He seeked him, he needed him, he wanted him. And it wasnt until three weeks had passed since the pool incident, that John had christened as The Final Aquatic Problem, that Sherlock reached another conclusion: he was in love too. With such a conclusion in his hands, the detective approached his friend and they started a relationship that grew in intensity until six months later, when John, whose romanticism had not been diminished by either the horrors of war or the dangerous adventures, proposed to him. They got married and now, three years later, they lay naked, kissing passionately. Solved cases were the best aphrodisiac for the couple. They were also aroused by the beginning of a case, the process of a case and when there were no cases, Sherlock needed his dosis of John to kill his boredom. Truth be told, it could be said that to them each others air was an aphrodisiac in and of itself. Although not everything had been so rosy. Sherlocks family had emphatically opposed the relationship from the beginning, not because it was with another man but because to them, someone named Watson was not of enough noble descent to date a Holmes. Sherlock invited them all (his mother included) to drown in the pool with Moriarty. When John had had enough of the abuse from his brother-in-law he shouted some truths at him that Mycroft never imagined anyone having courage enough to spew them to his face. The tamest phrases included arrogant manipulator and obsessed busy-body among other frills. Watching you solve cases turnes me on, John panted in his spouses ear, while he lay on his body and, with his tongue, he greedily traced the detectives niveous neck. Your voice, so deep, so sexy, its irresistible to me... I want you to make love to me... but first Im going to enjoy every inch of you, Sherlock... every inch.... Sherlock rolled on the mattress to lie on top of him and, grabbing his husbands wrists, caught his tongue with a kiss. There is a surprise for me first, Doctor Watson, the detective purred. John opened his eyes. Right! The surprise. But couldnt they leave it for after making love? Sherlock was extremely palatable and when they started with the kisses and caresses they couldnt stop. John? His husband sighed. Could we leave it for? Absolutely not. John, I want my surprise. Since we took that bloody cab, Im refraining from making my analysis. Well, the doctor coughed and sat up on the bed. His husband did the same. I know this will surprise you. I want you to surprise me. John smiled and looked him in the eye in an intriguing manner. Sherlock lost his patience. What is it, John?

His husband took his angular face in his hands and murmured. Were going to have a child. The detective was shocked, did not believe his ears. Say that again. Im expecting a child, Sherlock, he smiled. I recieved the results this morning, thats why I left early before you woke. I told you this grace has existed in my family for centuries. I have great-great-grandparents on my fathers side that had this gift, and Im not exint. Exempt, John, the detective corrected. John smiled again. I have three months. How long have you known? Sherlock questioned. His analytical mind needed to work urgently and gather data, or else he would faint right there. I started feeling sick a couple of weeks ago. I was feeling nauseous in the mornings. Thats why you ran to the bathroom before I got up, Sherlock deduced. John nodded. After that, well, I dont know how to explain it, he sighed, searching for the words. I had that intuition that I suppose women have when they are pregnant. I felt I was carrying something inside me. It was both a strange and marvellous feeling. I thought of my paternal familys clinical history and decided to do analysis. I had to use an alias so as not to give the lab a heart attack. He smiled. Sherlock remained serious. John took his hands in his and looking him straight and sweet in the eye, asked. What do you think, Sherlock? Dont, he asked as he recognised his deducting stare. Dont analyse anything, please. Dont think, dont reason. Just tell me what you feel. Tough task for the detective if there ever was. Sherlock immediately thought of diapers, of bottles, of childrens games, of TV programmes for children and of milk. Milk! Hed have to buy milk all the time and he hated going to the supermarket. However, his analytical mind also shaped the image of a child with the perfect mixture of him and John and the famous detective couldnt help feeling moved and smiling. The second John discovered his smile, he threw his arms around his neck and started devouring him with kisses. But Sherlock resisted him. Wait, he pushed him away softly. John, this is too much, even for me. Dont get me wrong, Im not upset but, isnt this serious? Youre a man, maybe your body is not prepared. The doctor sighed. I dont know, Sherlock. But I suppose that if I have a gift like this, so precious, maybe my body will be prepared for the pregnancy. I dont feel sick, I feel happy.

He smiled. The birth of a life cant bring misfortunes. You should have said that to Jim Moriartys parents, Sherlock joked without smiling. It was a cold and serious joke, like all his jokes. Sherlock, Im fine. If any dificulties arise, well deal with them. Besides this is the 21st century, there has been a great progress in the obstetrics area. You are a man, the detective replied gravely. A man with the ability to gestate, he clarified. Sherlock, he took his hands. Please, enjoy this moment. Sherlock smiled, barely, but smiled. John threw his arms around his neck and the detective pushed him backwards to lie on his desired body. Con una noticia as se deba ser discreto y como la pareja dominaba las artes de la discrecin, slo anunciaron la buena nueva a la seora Hudson, que qued encantada de tener un nieto postizo. Dio mil recomendaciones a Sherlock para el cuidado de John, y a John lo llen de mimos, sin recomendarle nada, ya que era un mdico y saba mejor que ella como lidiar con un embarazo. Siguiendo la lnea de la discrecin, necesitaban un obstetra que fuera tan prudente como un ratn y Sherlock dio en la tecla. As, a los pocos das de saber que seran padres, visitaron a la doctora Amanda Cullen, una mujer bajita, menuda y muy amigable. Observando a John a travs de los lentes redondos que se resbalaban de su respingada nariz, lo auscult y le hizo una ecografa. Ambos padres quedaron de una pieza al ver la manchita en la pantalla. A John se le empaaron los ojos y el poco emocional Sherlock no mostr reaccin alguna, slo apret la mano de su esposo con fuerza y John supo que estaba luchando con todas sus emociones. La obstetra qued maravillada. -Podrs supervisar el embarazo? pregunt el detective cuando ms tarde los tres se sentaron junto al escritorio de la mdica -. Con total discrecin, por supuesto. Lo ltimo que queremos es a reporteros de The Sun acosando a nuestra casera. Detestamos la idea de hacer pblico esto, Amanda, por eso recurr a ti. Adems s que eres de las mejores obstetras de Londres. La mujer se sonroj con el cumplido. -Tendrn mi discrecin y supervisar el embarazo. No podra hacer menos por ti, Sherlock, despus de que le salvaste la vida a mi to se volvi hacia John -. Me has dicho que eres un mdico militar el hombre asinti -. Tus conocimientos te sern de gran ayuda. -As lo creo respondi John. La obstetra se irgui. -Bien les pas la mano -. De mi parte no queda ms que felicitarlos. Tu peso es el

adecuado, John, y los anlisis estn perfectos. El beb, ya lo han visto ustedes mismos, se encuentra saludable. Nos veremos la semana prxima. -Tan pronto? pregunt Sherlock. Estaba entusiasmado con esto de ser padre y haber conocido a su hijo pero las visitas a una obstetra no eran lo suyo. -Claro que lo haremos contest John a la mdica, haciendo odos sordos a su marido -. Entiendo que mi embarazo necesita un seguimiento ms minucioso que el normal. Muchas gracias, doctora Cullen. Sherlock not que su comentario haba quedado fuera de lugar y permaneci callado. La mdica los despidi calurosamente. Ya en la calle, John, que no dejaba de mirar la foto de la ecografa, pregunt. -La doctora dijo que le salvaste la vida de su to. -Una trivialidad respondi Sherlock con falsa modestia -. Era un agente del MI6, al que acusaron de haber vendido informacin confidencial y con mis deducciones, descubr al verdadero traidor y le salv el pellejo. -Dios mo! se sorprendi John -. No saba que habas ayudado al Servicio Secreto! -Hay muchas cosas de m que an no sabes declar el detective, alzando la ceja de una manera tan intrigante, que consigui excitar a su esposo -. Volvamos a casa y dmonos juntos una ducha caliente. John sonri y lo tom de la mano. La propuesta sonaba estupenda.
Chapter Eight: The Final Problem Captulo Ocho: El Asunto Final Even unconscious, John suffered terribly as Moran carried him on his strong shoulder to the highest part of the tower. Excellent, Seb, Moriarty congratulated his lover when he got to the attic, rubbing his hands together. Leave that dirty swine right here, on the floor. Yes! he smiled morbidly. On his back, love... on this blanket.... Hell burst once and for all. Moran placed the prisoner on his back on a dirty blanket on the floor. Still unconscious, John moaned and his breathing became even more laboured. He wont last for long, Moriarty declared. Once hes dead, well leave him here. Sherlock wont take long finding him and hell have the surprise of his life! Did you hear from the mole? Sebastian asked, kneeling by the ill man. Putting his hands in his pockets, his lover went out to the balcony. He wrote that Sherlocks leading them to Brodigton St. They believe were in a house near Lauriston Gardens. An amused spark lit up his black eyes as he imagined his enemy leading Scotland Yard to false clues. Thats funny, Moran commented. Sherlock Holmes never makes a mistake in his deductions. Is that so? Moriarty exclaimed, green with jealousy. The colonel said nothing and observed John carefully. He was bloated, gaunt and agonising. The last few months tortures had wrecked his body. John Watson wasnt an attractive man, he was simply a normal bloke with many virtues. He did not understand what Sherlock Holmes had seen in him to fall in love with him. Jealousy consumed him and a sinister idea crossed his mind. He tought of opening his belly and removing the creature. The suffering would be unbearable for John and when his husband found him opened up like an animal in a slaughterhouse his love would turn to disgust. With this determination, he moved his lips to Johns ear.

Im going to open you like the pig you are, he whispered. With my dagger, Ill cut your belly wide open. Ill wrench your son from you and throw it out that balcony. John shook slightly and his face contorted with more pain. Did you hear me? Moran continued, smiling. Heres my dagger, he took it out from the pocket on his calf and softly ran the blade through the enourmous shirt over his belly. John shivered and started coughing compulsively. What will your husband feel when he sees you turned into the best scene in a gore film? Moriarty saw what was happening. He ran towards his lover and pushed him away from the prisoner. They rolled around on the floor, aiming punches and kicks at each other. Who do you think you are, Sebastian? Moriarty screeched, furious. Moran split his lip with a punch. They rolled once more and Jim managed to stay on top of his lover. You are a tadpole, Sebastian! he bursted, hysterical. Without my help you would be rotting in jail, or you would have been executed by some court martial. Youre alive because of me! I keep you hidden. You owe your life to me! Because of me youre alive, you ungrateful insect! With his combat training, Moran forced him to roll once again and that time it was him who managed to stay on top. He held his lovers wrist to immobilise him. Moriarty was trembling with fury. With a sardonic smile, the colonel planted him a violent kiss and licked the blood of his split lip. Jim was turned on. Easy, easy, Moran purred, licking the blood that remained on his tongue. Dont be angry, honey. What do you say if here, next to our trophy, we have sex like good animals? My trophy, Seb, Moriarty corrected, licking and tasting the blood from his wound. John Harold Watson Holmes is my trophy pure and exclusive. He belongs only to me! Take me next to him. Moran kissed him with frenzy. His lover arched, aroused. They joined their bodies and between frictions and grazes, their members sparked up. John could hear the moans. He had trouble breathing and the pain did not relent. He understood that he was dying and he wished Sherlock would get there in time to rescue Will. The lovers started shedding their clothing. Moriarty was panting hysterically and Moran would muffle the sounds with kisses and bites. Suddenly, one of his minions came in. The colonel skipped to separate himself from Moriarty, who threw a murderous stare at the new arrival. What are you doing here? Sir, the man spoke, nervous. Scotland Yard is arriving. What? the criminal jumped and ran to the balcony. He looked through his binoculars and on the road, appearing and disappearing between the branches of the trees, he spotted the patrol caravan. What are they doing here? Sherlock Holmes was leading them towards Brodington! What are they doing here? Moran guffawed, while he buttoned up his short. You underestimated Sherlock Holmes, Jimmy. He looked him up and down with disdain. You dont hold a candle to him. Bordering hysteria, James Moriarty snatched his gun and shot him. The colonel fell lifeless with a hole in the chest. His pupils lost colour and the blood started to pour from his mouth. He stared blankly at his lover, moaning agonically and finally expired with a rattle. No one is better than me, Seb, he declared coldly. Not even Sherlock Holmes. The minion stared in shock now to his erect boss, now to the fallen. Moriarty put the gun away. Help me move the colonel. Between the two they leaned over the body and Moriarty signaled for them to hide it behind some curtains. Making a superhuman effort to stay conscious, John followed the steps of his enemies and saw Moriarty

open a secret door, camouflaged on the wall by the balcony, and hide inside there to wait for Sherlock.

.. Como si el alma se le fuera en ello, Sherlock irrumpi en la torre, empujando y llamando a John en cada puerta. Si estaba cerrada con llave, disparaba a la cerradura. Por lgica, dado su estado, no podan haberlo subido y tenan que retenerlo en una de las habitaciones de los pisos inferiores, pero despus de irrumpir en cada una sin resultados, tuvo que subir ms y ms pisos. Haba pedido a Lestrade que le permitiese entrar solo por algunos minutos, as podra enfrentarse a su enemigo cara a cara. Los agentes, entretanto, irrumpan las zonas aledaas en grupos. Algunos oficiales rodeaban la torre mientras que otros recorran las viviendas diseminadas por el desolado pastizal que circundaba el castillo para encontrar fugitivos. Cada vez que el detective abra una puerta y descubra la estancia vaca, una chispa de desolacin saltaba en sus ojos. Parpadeaba varias veces para disipar cualquier emocin y continuaba indagando con sangre fra. Estaba buscando a John y persiguiendo a Moriarty, por lo tanto, no poda permitirse la ms leve turbacin y su cerebro tena que imperar sobre su ansiedad. Buscando y buscando, Sherlock fue subiendo la gruesa escalera caracol de piedra maciza y al llegar al ltimo piso, carg un nuevo cartucho. No tena sentido que estuvieran reteniendo a John en la parte ms elevada de la torre, pero una intuicin le ordenaba revisarla. Siempre tan analtico, Sherlock no respetaba sus intuiciones pero esta vez, en medio de tanta angustia contenida, quiso seguir su corazonada. La puerta estaba cerrada por dentro as que dispar. No solo tena llave, sino una tranquita en el ngulo superior. Insert otro tiro en la traba y entr. Se trataba de un piso de forma circular, con las paredes y suelo de roca slida. No tena luz elctrica, as que la iluminacin llegaba por algunos candelabros ubicados en las esquinas y la luna, que se colaba entre las dos estrechas ventanas en forma de tringulo. Las hojas que daban al balcn estaban abiertas y el cortinaje flameaba suavemente por la brisa nocturna. -John murmur Sherlock al posar sus ojos en el piso y el corazn le subi al cuello. En el centro, sobre una manta sucia depositada en el suelo, yaca su esposo boca arriba. Estaba inconsciente. El detective baj el arma y corri hacia l. Tantas veces se haba inclinado sobre cadveres para estudiarlos sin establecer ningn tipo de nexo con las vctimas, y ahora el que estaba tumbado era su propio marido. Le toc la frente y not que arda. Tena fiebre lo que significaba que an estaba vivo. El pulso sonaba dbil y la respiracin agitada. Sherlock lo sacudi y le dio golpecitos en el rostro. -John exclam -. John. Despierta. Puedes orme? Entonces se percat de su macerado aspecto. Haba perdido demasiado peso, sin embargo, su cuerpo se notaba ms hinchado que el que naturalmente corresponda a un embarazo completo. Llevaba el semblante cadavrico, la piel de un color mortecino y sus facciones estaban contradas por el desgaste fsico. Su rostro haba perdido su forma redondeada y ahora se vea absorbido y opaco. Sherlock contuvo un sollozo. No poda dejarse vencer por las emociones. Sigui propinndole golpes suaves y sacudidas para despertarlo. -John susurr con la voz ronca -. John. . . despierta. . . Hblame! Aqu estoy. . . Soy yo, Sherlock. . . John! Te encontr. . . vine a salvarte. . . vine a llevarte a casa. . . John lade apenas la cabeza. Su esposo sinti que el alma le volva al cuerpo. -John insisti, ansioso -. Despierta. . . Hblame. . . aqu estoy. . . Ya ests a salvo. . . vas a ponerte bien. . . El enfermo intent abrir los ojos pero los prpados le pesaban demasiado. El dolor que se haba extendido a todo el cuerpo le era insoportable. Gimi y Sherlock le apret la mano. -Tranquilo murmur el detective y guard la pistola -. No te agites le pas la mano por la frente perlada -. Ests mareado, tienes fiebre. No te agites, John. Sherlock? Era su Sherlock el que le hablaba? John reconoci su voz, su voz grave, que tanto lo haba excitado. -S. . . Sher. . . lock? El detective se alegr al orlo. -Soy yo le apret la mano -. Aqu estoy.

John se sinti aliviado. Su marido lo haba encontrado al fin. l ya no tena esperanzas pero Will poda salvarse. Sherlock tena que apurarse para que le practicaran pronto una cesrea. Con ocho meses y medio, el beb podra sobrevivir y estara ms seguro afuera que dentro de su cuerpo lacerado. Tanto pensar e inquietarse le produjo ms agona. -Will balbuce. Su esposo le pas la mano por el vientre pero la anasarca estaba tan extendida que no pudo sentir al nio. John gimi otra vez y su respiracin se agit. Tumbado boca arriba estaba en una posicin incmoda para sus pulmones. Con cuidado, Sherlock lo movi para que yaciera de lado y de esta manera le alivi la presin del abdomen. -Cu. . . dalo - suplic John con esfuerzo -. Cui. . . a Will. -Claro que lo cuidar! exclam el detective, excitado -. Lo cuidaremos juntos, John. Al fin John pudo abrir los ojos. Estaban inyectados en sangre y sin brillo. El azul se haba convertido en un gris fro y opaco. -Promteme que. . . no lo abando. . . nars. . . -Te sacar de aqu resolvi Sherlock. Necesitaba actuar, sino desesperara. Le pas el brazo alrededor del cuello para levantarlo -. Te cargar hasta la doctora Cullen. Ella vino para atenderte y te est esperando afuera en una ambulancia. Te llevarn a un hospital y despus regresaremos los tres a casa, con Will trat de sonrer y lo alz con dificultad -. Vamos, John. Un esfuerzo ms. John grit de dolor. Ya haba sufrido demasiado cuando lo arrastraron hasta all. No quera moverse, ni menos bajar por las escaleras. Subir tumbado sobre el hombro de Moran y que lo colocase boca arriba ya haban sido torturas suficientes. -Tienes que hacer un esfuerzo ms apremi su esposo, tratando de recuperar la sangre fra -. Necesito sacarte de aqu. John trat de atraparle el brazo para detenerlo. Fij su mirada apagada en l y murmur. -Moriarty. . . trampa. . . Sherlock lo acomod de lado y sac la pistola. En un rincn, debajo de un cortinaje, vio un arroyuelo de sangre fresca y a sus espaldas, son la voz chillona de su enemigo. -Ojo por ojo y diente por diente! T me quitaste a mi Seb y yo te quito a tu mascota! El detective volte apuntando pero no vio a nadie. Slo se top con la gruesa pared de piedra. -Ah, Sherlie! continu la vocecita insoportable -. Dnde estoy? Dnde me escondo? Acaso me comi la pared? Sherlock asest algunos tiros al muro. Se hizo el silencio. A sus espaldas le llegaba la respiracin trabajosa de John. -John murmur, sin despegar la vista de la pared -. Resiste. -Sherlock! chill Moriarty detrs del muro -. Ya adivinaste dnde estoy? Sin dejar de apuntar a la pared y bordeando a John para protegerlo, el detective se acerc al rincn donde corra el arroyuelo de sangre. Corri el cortinaje y se encontr con el cadver de Moran. -Ests perdiendo el tiempo, Moriarty habl Sherlock finalmente -. Scotland Yard tiene el castillo rodeado de punta a punta. Tu gente est cayendo. Bastarn unos minutos para que entren aqu y echen tu pared a balazos. Entrgate y al menos saldrs vivo de sta. -Y quin te dijo que yo quiero vivir, Sherlock Holmes? Se oy el chirrido de un engranaje interno y un rectngulo del muro de piedra se abri enseando la figura sonriente de James Moriarty. -Aqu estoy! grit -. S. Adivinaste! Quiero vivir. Y sabes por qu? Porque ya solucion el pequeo problemita que tena contigo. -Me alegro replic Sherlock con sarcasmo -. As pasars aliviado el resto de tu vida en la crcel. -Qu? puso cara de sorpresa -. No vas a matarme? Pero si t ya ests loco, Sherlock Holmes. Acab con tu amorcito. Mralo! Est muerto! Te quedaste sin familia. Ests loco! Perdiste tus habilidades, ya

nunca ms volvers a ser el mismo. Sherlock parpade para controlar sus emociones. -No me conmueves, maldito psicpata. -Ah no? Morarity solt una carcajada -. Vamos, Sherlock. Disprame. Quiero sentir tu bala dentro de mi cuerpo. -Tu cuerpo no vale ni una bala respondi el detective despectivo. El criminal sonri cruelmente. -En ese caso vas a sentirla t sac una pistola y la apunt a la cabeza de su enemigo. Sherlock hizo un mohn aburrido -. Ah, esto te parece, a ver. . . Predecible o aburrido? -Ni lo uno ni lo otro replic el detective y amartill el arma. -Ah exclam Moriarty -. En ese caso tendremos que cambiar de blanco para conmoverte y apunt en direccin a John -. En dnde quieres que le d? En la cabeza o en la barriga? Te recuerdo que es mi culpa que est as. Moribundo, agonizante. Qu hars, Sherlock Holmes, sin tu querido John Watson? Porque este cerdito est a punto de morir. No s, quizs con mucha suerte puedas quedarte con su hijo. Oh, pero me parece que el engendrito ya muri. Qu dices, Sherlock? Quin te ha quitado a tu familia? Lo nico que te importaba en este mundo. Quin? Yo! James Robert Moriarty! Sherlock Holmes era un maestro en el arte de controlar emociones pero ya no resisti ms. Una detrs de otra, dispar las balas que le quedaban sobre su enemigo. Moriarty cay hacia atrs y qued inconsciente. El detective descendi el arma sin guardarla y se le acerc. Buena puntera, hubiera opinado John. De las cinco balas, tres le haban pegado en el pecho y las otras dos en el abdomen. Volvi a apuntarle, esta vez en la frente. -Ciao, James Payaso Moriarty escupi Sherlock y apret el gatillo. Pero ya el cartucho estaba vaco. Observ los orificios en el cuerpo con detenimiento. No manaba sangre ni parecan profundos. -Chaleco antibalas murmur entre dientes. -Eureka! chill el criminal, levantndose de un salto. Antes que alcanzara a disparar, Sherlock se le lanz encima y le dobl la mueca para que soltara el arma. Cayeron enredados en el piso y rodaron hacia el balcn. El detective luchaba con todas su fuerzas para quitarle la pistola, mientras que su enemigo empleaba todo su potencial en jalar del gatillo. A los golpes y patadas, ambos se irguieron en la baranda del balcn. Sherlock le golpeaba y empujaba hacia el precipicio y el criminal se resista profiriendo patadas y puetazos. En un momento,el detective logr arrancarle el chaleco y Moriarty consigui apretarle el can contra el corazn. -Ciao, Sherlock Holmes salud burln. Son un disparo. Los ojos del criminal se tornaron blancos y la sangre comenz a brotarle de la boca. Sherlock lo empuj hacia atrs y le vio una herida en el pecho izquierdo. En un parpadeo, volte hacia la habitacin y encontr a John, sudoroso y jadeante, esgrimiendo una pistola en direccin a su enemigo. -John! grit, precipitndose sobre l. Mientras luchaban, John se haba arrastrado hasta el cuerpo de Moran y le haba quitado el arma. Cuando Sherlock lleg y lo tom en brazos, perdi el conocimiento. -John! Despierta! Mi amor le sonri -. Me salvaste la vida. John apenas abri los ojos. Los prpados le pesaban demasiado. Senta que se iba. Sufra demasiado dolor en cada rincn del cuerpo. Tena sueo, estaba agotado y necesitaba descansar. -Sherlock murmur con las ltimas fuerzas -. Prome . . . Promteme que no . . . no abandonars nunca a Will. . . Cudalo. . . Sherlock no resisti ms y comenz a llorar como un torrente. En el balcn, sangrando y convulsionando, Moriarty se abraz a la baranda con las pocas fuerzas que le quedaban. Tosa escupiendo sangre. Lanz un estertor ahogado y muri. Furioso, Sherlock corri hacia l, lo alz sobre sus hombros y arroj el cadver al vaco. Pas unos segundos, aspirando y expirando para recuperar el control y regres con su esposo.

John ya estaba inconsciente. Plido, hinchado y demacrado. Sherlock se quit los guantes y le pas la mano por el vientre, pero no pudo sentir al nio a causa de la hinchazn. Le acarici el rostro, le bes los labios resecos y le murmur un te amo bajito, mientras Lestrade y sus hombres irrumpan en la habitacin. -Que suba la doctora Cullen con los paramdicos orden el inspector. Sherlock slo besaba llorando el rostro macilento de su esposo.

Las salas de espera producen esta sensacin incmoda de ansiedad y alivio al mismo tiempo, pens Sherlock. La gente aqu trata de aparentar calma, leen revistas, mandan mensajes, conversan de temas triviales, pero por dentro las remueve la angustia. Esa mujer de la esquina est sonriendo. Pero es una sonrisa forzada. Tiene que sonrer porque ese caballero que la acompaa est demasiado nervioso y considera que debe tranquilizarlo. Sern parientes? Parece que s, la mandbula y las cejas pobladas los delatan. Por la poca diferencia de edad dira que son hermanos o primos. Estarn aqu por algn familiar? No, el aspecto cansado de l, la piel consumida. l est enfermo. Ella lo acompaa. Y aquella madre dos asientos ms adelante? Por qu estar aqu? La nia no debe tener un ao y est dormida. La amamant hace media hora y pareca saludable. Estar esperando a alguien seguramente. No debe tener muchos familiares y el nico, quizs el marido o novio, debe estar enfermo. De otra manera no pasara la noche en un hospital con su hija pequea. Y aquellos adolescentes? No dejaron de hablar en la ltima hora. -Sherlock oy que la doctora Cullen lo llamaba. Sherlock se puso de pie y se acomod el sobretodo. Sintiendo amargura y ansiedad al mismo tiempo, se le acerc. La joven estaba seria. -El nio naci bien inform. Sherlock suspir aliviado -. Tiene bajo peso pero est saludable y respondi a los estmulos adecuadamente. -Hered mis genes respondi el detective con orgullo -. Tengo una salud de hierro. Mi cuerpo tiene una resistencia superior a la comn y soporta ms que cualquier otro. La mdica asinti. -Ahora est descansando en la nursery si quieres conocerlo hizo una pausa -. John contina en coma. Lo trasladamos a una habitacin comn con la maquinaria necesaria para monitorearlo bajo mi supervisin. Su pronstico es reservado. Sin embargo, no quise enviarlo a terapia intensiva para que su condicin no levante sospechas. Sherlock la observ impasible. Estaba escondiendo sus emociones para no sentir dolor. La doctora abraz una carpeta contra su pecho. -Te acompaar a conocer al nio. -Ms tarde puedo permanecer con John? pregunt el detective roncamente. -Ver qu puedo hacer prometi la joven y acto seguido, lo invit para conducirlo, va ascensor, hasta el quinto piso donde se encontraba la nursery. Sherlock se sinti extrao al entrar en la sala poblada de cunas transparentes. Demasiados infantes durmiendo juntos para su gusto. Algunos se sacudan en sueos, otros movan los bracitos y el detective reconoci que se vean tiernos. La doctora alz un bultito envuelto en un manta celeste y se lo entreg. Sherlock lo carg, tratando de evitar cualquier tipo de emocin. Sin embargo, el peso del beb le produjo una sensacin placentera y la calidez del cuerpecito le supo ms confortante que el fuego de su chimenea. Era un calor especial. Con una mirada emocionada, finalmente le quit la mantita para poderlo contemplar. Era una bolita plida como l, flaquita y larga, envuelta en un enterito celeste y escarpines blancos. El secuestro lo haba absorbido tanto en los ltimos meses que Sherlock no haba tenido tiempo de prepararle un ajuar por eso la mdica haba pedido a su hermano algunas prendas de su sobrinito para abrigar a Will. -Maana me pondr en campaa para conseguirle ropa prometi el detective con la voz quebrada. Senta ganas de llorar, no de angustia sino de alegra. Observ a su hijo con ms atencin. Era pequeo

pero en su carita ya se notaban rasgos suyos y de John, y la pelusita clara adornando la corona de la cabeza le hizo pensar en su propio tono de cabello cuando era beb. Quizs ms tarde el cabello se le oscurecera como le pas a l o permanecera claro como el de su esposo. -Te dejar con l a solas murmur la joven y se retir discretamente. Sherlock se recarg contra la cuna con su hijo en brazos. Era una personita completa de pies a cabeza. Era perfecta y le produjo una satisfaccin mayor que la que senta al resolver los casos. Lo llen por completo, lo hizo sentirse vivo otra vez. En sueos, Will se acurruc contra l, sintindose a gusto en sus brazos. Esto lo emocion ms y al fin liber las lgrimas. Sinti la obligacin imperiosa de cuidarlo y protegerlo con su propia vida hasta que John se recuperase. Porque John H. Watson Holmes se iba a recuperar. Tena que recuperarse. Sherlock no crea en los milagros pero sinti que despus de haber procreado una maravilla como su hijo, no poda perder a su esposo. . -Sherlock! exclam la seora Hudson a la maana siguiente, entrando en el corredor del hospital, cargada de paquetes. Sherlock que la esperaba sentado, se levant -. Recorr todas las tiendas de bebs. Hay cosas que te dejan sin aliento! Si vieras las ropitas! Ay! Te entran ganas de comprarlo todo. El detective abri los paquetes y observ las prendas con ojo crtico. Eran encantadoras, pero slo se trataba de tela adornada para que las madres y abuelas enloquecieran y las consumieran como adictas. -Mira que mona! suspir la anciana, ensendole una camisita celeste con un osito y su tarro de miel bordados -. La vi y me dije: Tiene que ser para nuestro Will! -Con esto bastar para devolverle la ropa al sobrino de Amanda razon Sherlock, restndole importancia -. John se molestar cuando sepa que nuestro hijo pas su primera noche vestido con ropa ajena. La seora Hudson se preocup. -Cmo est John, querido? -Contina estable respondi el detective y alz un enterito para cambiar de tema -. Seora Hudson, esto tiene una flor bordada. -Un jazmn, Sherlock especific -. Es una flor apropiada para un nio. -Correcto congeni el detective. Se meti las manos en los bolsillos y mir hacia el corredor -. Tengo que regresar con John. Suba hasta el quinto piso y deje la ropa en la recepcin. Ellos se encargarn de atender a Will. -Toda la ropa? cuestion la anciana -. Es que quera llevarme algunos a casa para tenerlos guardados. Habl con Robbie y me prometi venir maana para ver la cuna. Cunto tiempo crees que Will necesite quedarse aqu, Sherlock? -Est sano pero tiene bajo peso repuso Sherlock -. La doctora me sugiri dejarlo algunos das en observacin. Adems, aqu puedo visitarlo mientras estoy con John. -Yo no lo conoc an reconoci la seora Hudson -. Pedir que me lo presenten cuando suba. Te dejo, Sherlock. Regresa con John. A propsito, tu familia no querr conocer al beb? -Mi familia no necesita conocerlo respondi el detective bruscamente -. Hasta luego, seora Hudson, y gracias por la ropa. -De nada, querido le sonri. Mientras la anciana enfilaba hacia el ascensor, Sherlock regres a la habitacin de su esposo. La seora Hudson tena razn. Su familia le haba hecho un vaco enorme con su relacin con John, pero su hijo era un Holmes y poda reclamarlo. Qu Mycroft no se atreviese a ponerle un solo dedo encima! El detective intua que la verdadera razn de haberle brindado la informacin del paradero de su esposo era el querer hacerse cargo del beb. Conoca a su madre y a su hermano, y ninguno de los dos crea que l poda llegar a ser un buen padre. Nunca le haban tenido confianza y siempre lo haban visto como a un tmpano que era necesario controlar. Adems, su familia funcionaba como un clan hermtico, donde cada integrante que portara el apellido Holmes les perteneca. Desde su ptica, ellos se consideraban con ms derecho que Sherlock sobre John William. se haba sido el nico y verdadero

motivo de la ayuda de su hermano. Pero si uno solo de sus familiares osaba acercarse a Will, Sherlock estaba dispuesto a espantarlos. Por una coincidencia, su telfono son con un nuevo mensaje de su madre. Sherlock lo borr sin detenerse a leerlo. ..

My beloved Sherlock, It is I, your John H. Watson. I know you will recognise my handwriting instantly. You are an expert in graphology and your reading will have no margin of error. I am alive, Sherlock. That night at the hospital, three years ago, I didnt pass away as you believed, but rather I departed to a magical dimension called Arda, and here I am waiting since then. They wanted you to change habits and behaviours of yours, to become a good father, to reach out to your family to come and get me and we could go back to the Earth, our world. Lord Mandos says your already prepared. Im sorry, love, I suppose that you dont know who Lord Mandos is. It is an entity, a kind of god from the Underworld, who looks after the souls of the people in his Houses. I am not in actual fact just a soul. They have given me a new body, you will have the surprise when you see me. But my appearance is still the same, so do not be alarmed. I will explain everything with detail when we are together. How I got here, why they saved me, and what has become of me in these years. I also send you my ring. When I had to leave, they allowed me to take something from the Earth and I did not doubt to take my wedding ring to have something to link me to you, besides my love, of course. I better stop writing these things, that I know how romantic things irritate you. I have so much to tell you! I also want to hola you, kiss you, and you know what else (I dont want to write much information because although the letter goes sealed, one of the captains that will deliver this to you is not legit). This is why I decided it will be William Turner Sparrow who gives it to you. How is our baby? How is our Will? Last month he turned three years old. He must be enormous and handsome! I cant wait to meet him. I cant wait to hold you both, to kiss you, to feel you against me. I love and miss you too much. Come soon, Sherlock. Follow Jack and William (I cant call him Will, its the name of our son!). Obey them, I know you dont like obeying anyone, but for this one time, do as Jack orders you and embark on the Pearl with them. They will bring you to Arda. They are good people. William Turner is loyal, noble and valiant, he also adores children so he will establish good relations with our Will. Jack likes to play crafty, but he has a heart of gold and the devotion with which he looks after his puppy, a.k.a. William Turner, reminds me of you. And a word of advice, even though you despise drinks, do not make any comment about the rum, or Jack will hang you from the mast of his ship. It is not a joke, Sherlock. They are pirates. But I as I wrote to you before, they are also good people. Jack and William must leave to fetch you now, so I have to end this letter. I miss you. I need you and I am counting the seconds to see you, my love. Come to get me.

I love you John H. Watson Holmes

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