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Contemporary models of abnormal behavior

What causes abnormal behavior?

What causes abnormal behavior?

Psychologists have developed a number of theories, or explanations, of how psychological develop. Your theory will guide both your explanation and your treatment of the disorder. The popularity of theories depends on current values, beliefs, and even technologies. For example, the biological model has gained popularity recently since we have better ways to scan the brain as well as map human genes. In addition, theories may cast responsibility for the disorder on one or other sources, and may also affect how those with psychological disorders are viewed.

Biological and Medical model

Psychodynamic Model

Behavioral Model/ Learning Theory

Cognitive Model

Humanistic Model

Stress diathesis

Psychologial disorders have a physical source

Unconscious factors and motives; likely developed during early childhood

Experiences and environment


Freud's structure of the mind

Psychosexual stages

Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov)

Social learning (Albert Bandura)

Operant conditioning (B. F. Skinner)

Association Biochemistry Infection Brain damage Genetic vulnerability Hormones Observation & Imitation Rewards and punishment

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