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UNIT 5 To appeal-to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc Box office-the place in a theatre,

cinema etc where tickets are sold Broadcast-a programme on the radio or on television: Celebrity gossip-information that is passed from one person to another about famous people behaviour and private lives. Contestant-someone who competes in a contest Conventional-always following the behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society consider to be normal, right, and socially acceptable, so that you seem slightly boring: To detract-to make something seem less good: Down-to-earth-practical and direct in a sensible honest way: Evident-easy to see, notice, or understand. Obvious, clear Excess-a larger amount of something than is allowed or needed: Gossip column-a regular article in a newspaper or magazine about the behaviour and private lives of famous people To host-to introduce a radio or television programme: Immature- not fully formed or developed: Level-headed- calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions To maroon- to be left in a place where there are no other people and where you cannot escape Merchandising-the way in which shops and businesses try to sell their products. Obituaries- an article in a newspaper about the life of someone who has just died Obligation-a moral or legal duty to do something Plastic surgery-the medical practice of changing the appearance of people's faces or bodies, either to improve their appearance or to repair injuries Putdown- something you say that is intended to make someone feel stupid or unimportant ??? Rebellious-deliberately not obeying people in authority or rules of behaviour: Revival-a process in which something becomes active or strong again: Shopping mall-a group of shops together in one large covered building Smash hit-a very successful new play, book, film etc: To smuggle- to take something or someone illegally from one country to another Sympathise- to feel sorry for someone because you understand their problems: Temper-a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily: Time-lapse-time-lapse photography involves taking many pictures of something over a period of time and then showing them together, so that a very slow process seems to happen much faster Trend-setter- someone who starts a new fashion or makes it popular To tune- to make a radio or television receive broadcasts from a particular place Versatile-having many different skills To vote- to show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc which person you want to elect or whether you support a particular plan Weird-very strange and unusual, and difficult to understand or explain:

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