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STEREO, MULTICHANNEL AND BINAURAL SOUND SPATIALIZATION in Pure-Data 2007, Georg Holzmann grh _at_ mur _dot_ at

---------------------------------------------------------------------------1. ABSTRACT The goal of this workshop is to show how to position sound in space (stereo, multichannel and binaural). This should be done from a user point of view, without explaining the detailed mathematic behind the algorithms. Therefore existing and open-source implementations in Pure-Data will be used and explained. Topics: - stereo-panning methods - vector based amplitude panning (VBAP) - ambisonic - binaural ambisonic and 3D room simulation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2. INSTALLATION Additionally to these workshop files you will need Pure Data and various externals (see 4). There are various methods to get them, I will explain here now how to get it working with Pd-extended: - go to and download the latest binary of Pd-Extended for your platform (> 0.40 !) (these are very experimental daily builds - so if you have problems try an other version, but it must not be older than 2007-03-20 !) - follow the installer - start pd with: "pd -lib libdir" (this will load the new library loader) - now everything should work out of the box ! (if not, write a mail to the pd-list or me) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------3. USAGE Step through the files, that start with a number: 01.Introduction.pd 02.ILDandITD.pd 03.StereoPanning.pd 04.HeadShadowAndITD.pd 05.BinauralAudio.pd 06.VBAP.pd 07.Ambisonic.pd 08.MoreAmbisonic.pd 09.BinauralAmbisonicAndRoomsim.pd 10.REFERENCE.txt All the other files are some useful abstractions or other helper functions.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------4. NEEDED EXTERNALS The following externals are needed (already included in Pd-Extended): iemlib zexy iemgui iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemmatrix iem_matrix iem_spec2 iem_tab iem_delay iem_roomsim vbap earplug~

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