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Grilled Chicken with Mushroom Sauce

Ingredients: Boneless Chicken Fillets (2) Mushrooms (4 - sliced) Low fat or skimmed milk (3/4 cup) Flour (1 tbsp) Grated cheddar cheese (4 tbsp) Chicken Stock Cube (1) Chopped garlic (1 tbsp) Salt and pepper (1/2 tsp each) Oil (2 tbsp) Method for sauce: Chop garlic and saute in oil until garlic becomes slightly brownish. Add flour and cook on low flame until flour changes it's color. make sure to continue stirring to avoid burning of flour. Once the flour has slightly changed color, remove from flame and add milk and crushed stock cube. Stir vigorously so that lumps are not formed. Once the flour and milk are well mixed, add sliced mushrooms and let simmer on low flame for 4-5 minutes. Now add grated cheddar cheese and let cook only until the cheese melts. Do not over cook. Method for Grilled Chicken: Marinate the chicken fillets in salt and pepper. Grill after 15 to 20 minutes of marination. Note: The mushroom sauce tends to get thick if kept for more than 20 to 30 minutes. Therefore either prepare this sauce right before serving or add few spoons full of milk before serving.

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