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The Grid Ident Pitch


Target Audience
The Grid is a channel that broadcasts a mixture of

music videos that are popular in our culture these days and are aimed at 18-30 year olds.

What is the channel about?

The channel also broadcasts imported American sitcoms

and youth-orientated chat shows, what I am trying to do with the channels ident is to make it appealing to the audience that they have specified here, to make a bigger impact on the audience when they see the ident.

My ident idea
The idea of my ident is too have a stop motion animation

on a whiteboard because it is a simple idea and if I go wrong I can always just rub out what I did and start again with no problem, the reason why I chose to use whiteboards was that you can use a variety of colours on the boards and that would be appealing to the audience because of the target audience age group they would like to see more colours in the ident.

Video Clip of whiteboard stop motion animation

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