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Differential Backup: takes base of full backup and tracks changes post full back up Full Backup: Backup

contains entire db backup.

Backup Types ------------Database - Full - Differential File / File Group - Full - Differential Transaction Log - Entries in tran log can be taken backup and cleared Best Practice: ------------1# Start taking backup from last full backup followed by last differential backup (if available) and all the transaction log backups thereafter are reqd fo r restoration. 2# Replace the old - 1 backup files with new backup files every time.

Backup Retention / Backup Meida Retention ----------------------------------------- Ideally SLA states to retain the backup media for 60 days. - Zero Retention Period: Backup will never expire when configured to zero - SqlSrvr will not allow restoration of expired backup Backup executed to multiple backup files is called striped backup [Multiple backup files is referred as Media set and each bkup file in Media Set is referred as Media Family] Backup Set: Each backup taken into media set is Backup Set Backup Chain: Series of backup starting from full backup till another full backu p Mirror Set: Similar contetnt will get into another media set

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