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Great Haseley Script A black screen comes up, various credits are made and shown here, over

the black screen we hear a croaky radio voice Radio: Following the Great Haseley murders a young woman was found bloodied and dead in the county green. Now, back to some music by the fabulous Vera Lynn, take it away We then fade out of a black screen and various pan and P.O.V shots, creating an eerie feel, the bicyclist rides up to a caretaker working on a church Cyclist: Alfred The cyclist speaks loudly in order to get the caretakers attention Alfred: Alright mate? Did you hear about that girl? Bad news isnt it? The cyclist seems casual, the two seem like good friends Cyclist: Aye, shame is with the war and all the PCs are too busy to be keeping an eye on us, how many till they open their eyes? The caretaker puts his tools in his toolbox, there is a closeup of this and Alfred nods Alfred: Back to mine then? Cyclist: Aye, alright then We cut to a over the shoulder shot of the monster watching the men walk away.

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