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7 15-23

Mathew 7:15-23


Purpose: how do we recognise false Christians? By their words and attitudes.
Vs15-20 Recognising fruit.
It says in Vs15 beware of false prophets. At that time there were many false teachers.

The wolf would attack and eat the sheep.

He Jesus calls false teachers and false prophets wolves.


In other words Jesus is saying to beware because there are false prophets who are like wolves who want to
eat Christians.


A characteristic of false teachers is that they want money.

Its not good to obligate people to tithe.

Tithes are given to God not to men.

Since God also made all things, He already has everything.

Its not right to force people to tithe by making it sound like GOd is poor.

Also, false prophets talk more about themselves.

But in the next passage He says to recognise them.

Vs16,17,18,19,20 Fruit = Fruit.
( 5,22-23)
But the spiritual meaning is the fruit of the SPirit.

Here Jeuss says a good tree bears good fruit and a bad tree bears bad fruit.

A good tree does not bear bad fruit nor does a bad tree bear good.


What kind of fruit comes froma a mango Tree?

What kind of fruit comes from a shequasa tree?
Christians have spiritual fruit.
If a Christian bears bad fruit this is a false prophet.
You can recognise Christians by their fruit.
Do you think a Christian will bear good fruit if they say they like alochol and like to smoke? They

Jesus is saying that we can recognise these people by their fruits.

Vs21-23 Those rejected by Jesus

Jesus says not all those who say to me Lord Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven.

In vs22 Jesus says to these people who prophesied in His name, cast out demons, worked miracles, that
he never knew them.

It doesnt mean because a person talks about Jesus that he is part of Gods kingdom.

Navi - The true shape of these people who look like they have faith but dont have a relationship with
Jesus will be revealed.


Ive met the mayor of Ginowa once at a cross walk.

I know Sakimaatsuji-cho.

But it would be strange for me to call him my friend because I met him once.

Here is sort of like that.

It says that even if you do alot of ministry as a false prophet Jesus doesnt know you.

Just because you do ministry doesnt mean you know Jesus.

It is important to have a heart with faith in Jesus Christ.

In vs21 those who do the will of the father who enter in heaven are those who lead people to God.

In other words sharing the gospel.


What can we learn from today?

How can we recognise false prophets?

Today we learnt that we could recognise false prophets by their fruit.

You dont take a Shekwasa fruit from a mango tree.

You dont take a good fruit from a bad tree?

You dont take bad fruit from Christians.

So you can recognise that a person who says their a Christian but gets drunk, continues to smoke, and
gambles is a false prophet.
(1 4,1-3)
(1 John 4:13) It teaches that you can recognise false prophets.

Lets recognise these things properly.

But how can we recognise these things?

How do recognise fake money?

You find compare it with real money.

The nore you know the real thing, the easier it is to spot the fake.

So we must continue to look to Jesus.

When we look at Jesus well recognise the false prophets.

When we know what kind of person Jesus is, well recognise false prophets.

Lets continue to look to Jesus and learn about him.


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