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A Night of A Thousand Songs Tonight I will listen to a thousand songs Songs of which expose my emotions Songs of which reveal

my affections to profess my love's utmost ascension Tonight I will relax while enjoying a thousand raphsodies Recalling the happiness of us in our memories That I will treasure upon eternities Until my body finally rests in serenity Tonight I will ponder upon a thousand hymns Of how fate separates our feelings Of how we can't make any beginnings Despite the resonation of our heart's beatings Tonight I will cry while hearing a thousand dirges Upon the feelings that I utmostly supress Remembering the time I let go of the girl I embraced Of which my absolute love is confessed Tonight I will reminisce upon a thousand laments Seeing how you held hands with another gives me sentiments The defeat gives off melancholic scents That makes my heart go into deep resentments Tonight I will despair with the thousand nocturnes to the future that you and I will be together has no fortunes now that our souls have completely become out of tune You have become a cold sapphire like the planet Neptune As the night ends, I will listen to a thousand lullabies Which will remind me of our sad goodbyes that can only be healed as time flies As we walk through separate ways in our lives

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