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L01 Task 3 Report

I am making a front cover and VIP copy for the magazine mixmag, for these tasks I have had to create a biography of the artist Adam Who? whom will be on the cover and the VIP copy will be on. Also I have researched the target audience for mixmag so I can create my magazine pages correctly. I also had to research the codes and conventions to know how to create the pages so they look like real mixmag pages.

Biography of Adam who?

Adam who was born as Adam Wigglesworth on the 9th of July 1993 in Birmingham, England to Paul and Mary Wigglesworth, who were both in the police force. As a young child Adam was brought up to respect his parents and the law, even though he never saw them much due to their busy schedules, so for a lot of his childhood numerous child minders looked after him, so he never had a source of stability. As he grew into a young teenager he began to rebel against his parents and started hanging around with a bad group and began to drink and smoke well beneath the legal age. These decisions then led to him being in a gang and began to vandalize public property, for which his own mother arrested him and locked him in the station cells for a night. His parents then started to try and contain him by not letting him out; this created a rift between him and his parents. However in the October of 2008 he parents tragically died in drugs raid, where they were both shot. Adam then moved in with his cousin P.Dogg who was a back street club DJ. This introduced Adam to the clubbing world, and since he was with P.Dogg age restrictions did not apply. Adam then fell in love with dubstep and began to make his own remixes at the age of 16 under the name Adam Who? which was inspired by the way when ever he told people his name they would reply Adam who?. When he turned 18 he inherited all the money his mom and dad had left when they died, with which he and his cousin bought a club named re-vibe in Birmingham, which Adam himself performed at. During the same year Adam was spotted and signed to the label MegaDrive Records and started recording a new album. He plays regular gigs at Re-Vibe every month or so and has done a collaboration with P.Dogg called Jump@Dawn. He now lives in a top floor luxury apartment with his cousin in the centre of Birmingham and is a regular club and party go-er. His top dance clubs are H1perSpeed and Dubscort, both being big Dubstep dance clubs, which is the genre and influences his own music and his club, is new EP The Abyss is mostly a dubstep influenced album part from the self titled track The Abyss which is a techno track. He enjoys having a drink and a laugh and his favorite drink is Stella Cidre, he also enjoys the company of a girl, as he is a single man.

His style is very modern and cool, his hair shaved at the sides and longer on top giving him a smart casual look, giving him the perfect image for clubbing along with the shirt with tie and jeans, despite his swarv appearance his personality his quiet different, he is outrageous and unique in his own words. He likes to just lounge around in his onsie all day and just dance around to dance music, he also goes to weird and wild parties full of foam and balloons with his mates, which shows that despite the fame and fortune he is still a down to earth fun guy to be with. He has aspirations to expand and develop his club as well as release several chart toping albums, making him a super star in the dance community and be able to DJ at the biggest clubs all over the world and do collaborations with top names such as LMFAO and Sub Focus.

Profile of Target Audience

Mixmag is the worlds biggest dance music and clubbing magazine it has a readership of 276,000 and costs 4.20. This would make it a pretty premium magazine, so therefore must have a certain type of audience. According to the mixmag website the median age of their readers is 26 and 72% of their readers are male, also they tend to be urban and single due to the nature of raves and clubs. Also the target audience will have money as they can go to these upper class raves and clubs that mixmag is a guide for, although they might not have loads of money but choose to spend their disposable income on their passion for dance music and clubbing and to purchase mixmag every month for 4.20. They would have a nice job which gives them a high disposable income that funds these out goings and nice things such as smart clothes, music and the latest music players and also most likely to have a nice sports car and lives in the city centre.

26 Years old


Codes and Conventions

Masthead (logo) The mast head in this issue is the same font that it is in every other issue as its is the brand and its logo. The only difference is the colour, which in this one is yellow and is partially covered by the main image. The actual text is smaller than usual as it has a box in the right hand corner, which isnt in most issues. This is to show the customer what the mag is and to show what genre it fits into. Dateline The date line for this magazine is on the left side of the bar code and says March 2010 to show what issue it is. This wouldnt be relevant for most people buying it from a newsagents part from knowing its the up to date issue, but it is more for people who have subscribed to the magazine and get them posted to them in sets. Main image The main image in this is to members of the crookers in animal costumes jumped up in the air, their costumes go well with the colour scheme. This main image would be to gain the attention of the customer and to show them who or what the main article will be about in the magazine. Model credit The model credit on this issue of mixmag, is in the bottom left corner stating the people in the main image who in this case are crookers. It also has the name of the photographer giving them a credit too. It is in a very small plain font so it doesnt get mistaken for a cover line as it is not as important as the rest of the titles on the cover. Coverlines The coverlines on this issue of mixmag are on both sides of the mag, they too follow the colour scheme of the cover which is yellow and black. They are there to tell the reader what is inside the magazine; this would help them decide if it is worth buying for them as they could see if there is anything that they find interesting.

Main cover line The main cover line on this issue is Out of the cage CROOKERS this makes a pun on the image of them dressed in animal onsies as it says out of the cage. It then follows, the planets wildest party aniamls, again making a pun on the animal suits. This just basically tells the reader that the main article is about crookers. Left third The left third is basically the left side of the magazine where the coverlines are, however on this magazine the cover lines are on both sides of the mag. But the left third still contains the plus section and the barcode in it. Bar code Bar code is important on all magazines as it allows the reader to purchase the magazine; it is also a convention of magazines. It is located in the left third at the bottom of the cover. Selling line The main cover line is the same for every issue of mixmag (part from the Ibiza specials) and it says the worlds biggest dance music and clubbing magazine. This shows the consistency of the magazine, and regular readers would recognise the magazine. From doing this research I have been able to extend my knowledge on mixmag magazine and therefore made my ability to create a replica page even more precise.

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