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On the 6th of November, We went to the art gallery Taksu which is located in Kuala Lumpur at Jalan Panang.

We somehow got there easily as it reside in the city center and also weve got a GPS with us, we find it interesting that the art gallery is in amidst of residential houses . Taksu was representing No Talking Points on that day, it is a group of exhibition by seven artists from the Philippines. As it is called No Talking Points, there isnt much to talk about the exhibition other than the artists who made it so special with their works. Other than that, Taksu is a leading contemporary art gallery and specialist in Southeast Asia representing selections of fine art. Taksu helps emerging artist to share their works through its residency programs. The meaning of Taksu is divine inspiration , energy, and spirit.

Painting A

Painting A is a painting by Bernardo Pacquing , it is a collage called Never Compete With Someone With Nothing To Lose. It was created early this year and put on display. The collage consist of two brown paper and a wooden stick, only the brown paper on top is

painted with 4 colours which is pink white orange and golden yellow. The collage added depth with the wooden stick pasted at the bottom of the painting, it acted as a platform for the colors to be emphasize in the collage. A shadow is casted at the bottom of the wooden stick. The collage exudes a primary rawness and density of material defined by elemental forces. (Irma, 2012) Bernardo named the collage Never Compete With Someone With Nothing To Lose and it explains that the brown paper is in its original state. No matter what you add above it, it will still resemble its original properties. The wooden stick also acted as a platform for the colors to compete. If it has nothing to lose, it is competing just for the sake of competing. The collage had said all it can say and is presenting itself very straight forwardly. It is simple yet meaningful and should be display on pre-competition rooms to advice competitors, It may be in a museum someday in the future.

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