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Oi, Cristiane! Vi que vc se interessou pela Make up Board.

Ela eh um sonho de consumo pra que adora maquiagem e quer manter tudo organizadinho e facil de achar! Faco esses quadros em tamanhos e com estampas fofas. Entrego em todo o Brasil. Qualquer coisa, entre em contato. Um abraco.

Batom, rmel, delineador, gloss, sombra, blush, iluminador resumindo, MAQUIAGEM! Quem no ama? Ela e sempre ser uma grande paixo nossa, por causa disso temos diversos tipos dela, e ento surge um problema: onde guardar tanto make de forma organizada? Algumas de ns costumam usar gavetas, necessaires ou caixinhas fofas, mas um novo jeito de fazer isso, com o Make up Magnet Board, que um quadro magntico para maquiagem. Parece meio incomum, mas o resultado muito bacana, porque alm de organizar nossas maquiagens, decoram de um jeito totalmente diferente!

I have a friend who is beautiful and stylish and has always loved make-up but recently took a course that intensified her love. Her renewed interest has worn off on me and it made me remember eye shadows I'd hidden away that were gathering dust. I pulled them all out and was shocked at just how many I had. My old make-up organization/storage consists of a basket that sits on my bathroom counter, I put all my hair stuff and make-up stuff in the basket and used maybe 3 shadows in my daily rotation. With the addition of my pile of eye shadows it now looked like this The basket was a mess and I was overwhelmed with all my choices never knowing what to use, digging through to see what I had and find what I wanted was a pain. I needed a way to display them all and my brilliant mother and I came up with this idea.

Now it hangs in my bathroom wall and every morning I'm excited to play with my different make-up. It feels sort of like art and an expression of me.

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