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SOC 352 Chapter 1 Outline

Social change definition in text:

Social Structure definition in text:

Culture definition in text:

Grasping the big picture of social change What sorts of structural changes do you need to be aware of? These structural changes relate to changes in aspects of culture. What sorts of aspects of culture does the text mention?

5 ways structures can be altered what are they? What types of changes are involved? Levels of change Structural Level:

What Changes:

Example of how change at one level affects change at another level 1. Urban growth --------

2. Deciding if/when to get married ---------

The Sociological Imagination definition in text:

Causes of Change What are some examples of external changes? Of internal changes?

Change and Human Intentions What three types of change are driven by human agency (intentionality)? Other Change Terminology 1. Change 2. Process 3. Progress 4. Evolution 5. Development/ Developmental change

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