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The book of Job and the Problem of Evil There are millions of people who believe in a morally perfect,

all seeing and all powerful God, a perfect God in other words, as it is a central tenant of the Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Therefore the problem of evil is a serious religious issue. The problem of evil is the assertion that god cannot be perfect as he allows evil to exist in this world. There are however, books in the Bible that deal with this issue. One such book is the book of Job which tells the story of the wealthy and pious man Job whose suffering at the hands of Satan as Satan was given permission to do so by God. One can clearly see via a thorough analysis of the book that the problem of evil is resolved by this text. One the ways in which the book of Job resolves the problem of evil is via the free will defense. The defense can be best depicted in the following logical steps. The first step is that God wants to create beings who genuinely love him. T

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