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24 Hours: 2012 Top 24: Patrick Wong, The Coach

September 28, 2012

2012 Top 24: Patrick Wong, The Coach


Patrick Wong coaches figure skating for young children at a skating rink Wednesday. (CARMINE MARINELLI/24 HOURS)

Theres only one way Patrick Wong knows how to sum up his life. Im an engineering physicist by day, and a figure skating coach by night and weekends. But the University of B.C. student was at a crossroads about a year ago as he tried to juggle full-time studies with figure skating training. I wanted to see if I could do the best of both worlds, but obviously one had to give, he said, noting a chronic ankle injury and ensuing surgery finally convinced him to give up competing. It was a tough decision for Wong, especially considering he represented Team Canada at a host of international events, but a former coach eventually pushed him towards mentoring others. Now the 22-year-old spends afternoons and evenings at Vancouvers Sunset Community Centre coaching kids ranging in age from four to 16 years old. I hope to help my students to realize their dreams and reach their potential, he said, admitting his background as an engineering physics student means he has to be careful about using too many technical terms when coaching the kids. Although engineering ranks as his second passion after figure skating, Wong said hes determined to combine his two loves when he graduates. In other sports, theres lots in equipment development to make the performance better, but in terms of figure skating, theres not so much of that, he explained, adding he wants to develop programs and equipment for figure skating novices to give them the advantages he never had. We asked you to nominate the regions b est and b rightest students for our two-week feature Top 24 Under 24. Now were profiling young people already making b ig strides in the world through volunteering, entrepreneurial
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24 Hours: 2012 Top 24: Patrick Wong, The Coach

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