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Representation is how different cultures and people are represented in a media text. This is usually done by using a technique called stereotyping which will give the audience a good idea about how people live in those areas of the world. For example attack the block stereotypes both teenagers and the area live in by using an estate of council flats and associating them with the kind of people that you would expect to live there. In this case it is a gang of teenagers that dress and act like you would expect people on a council estate to behave.
In my own blockbuster I will need to think about what culture of people I will base my film on. This means I need to find out what kinds of cultures are effective to use in movies and what people from other countries find most interesting about British culture. This is because I am producing an advertisement package for a blockbuster movie which means the movie will need to appeal to a wide range of audiences and be quite diverse.

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