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When we use the term institutions in Media Studies, we usually mean the people who have a role in the production of media texts. That covers a huge amount of ground, as you can imagine. A brief list might include: Companies/organisations Producers Distributors Marketing. So we're talking editors, directors, producers, scriptwriters, screenwriters and so on. We need also to consider who owns these companies and precisely what is it that they produce? How are the products made? How far are they distributed and how are the products marketed? Many different institutions are used in the production of a new TV programme or film. First the script needs to be written. Once this is done it is given to a production company who produce the film and edit what they have made. Once the programme or film is made and ready to go out to the public its given to a broadcast company, or in a films case it would be given out to different cinema companies, where it will be watched by many people around the world. After this the product will be released on DVD which will require companies to make promotional trailers and poster for. As you can see in the production of a film there are many institutions and studios that are used.

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