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qwJonathan Hueso Period.1 Jan.

28 Litter

1. What is litter?

Litter is defined as any solid waste object that can be held in a persons hand that is left behind or placed in an inappropriate location. Some examples are fast food waste, paper, and aluminum.
People are too lazy to dispose of trash properly. People are more likely to throw litter on top of litter than drop litter in neat surroundings. Don't Care. Others will pick it up. Not aware they are littering. Smokers are more likely to litter also 8 out of 10 men are more likely to litter then women. Drop with intent is the person subtly dropped the item on the ground, but with notable intent to litter. We dubbed this group Dirty Droppers. Flagrant fingers is blatant littering of objects out in the open without attempt to conceal their actions. Inch away is inchers place their litter beside them slowly inch away from it until they no longer be identified as the litterer Foul shooters aim to discard their item in a receptacle, but after missing leave the object on the ground. Wedgers is the individuals who stuff

2. Why do people litter?

3. Who is more likely to litter?

4. Define these acts of littering Drop with intent: Flagrant fingers: Inch away: Foul shooters: Wedgers: Sweepers:

5. Are there any advantages of littering? Explain 6. Are there any disadvantages of littering? Explain 7. What are some strategies to prevent people from littering?

disposable objects into small spaces where they will not be seen. Sweepers collect their litter by brushing it off a flat surface into their hand or a bag, but in the process drop items on the ground. The advantages of littering is it gives people jobs such as janitors. The disadvantages is that it pollutes the world with trash, the trash may have germs and may get you sick. To carry a trash bag in your car so when you see trash you can pick it up, place more trash cans, and put more littering fine signs.

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