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Data Structure (Section-A) i. Two main memory for the efficiency of an Algorithm are a. Processor & Memory. b.

Complexity & Capacity. c. Time & Space. d. Data & Space. Which of the following case dont exist in Complexity theory? a. Best case. b. Worst case. c. Average case. d. Null case. The operation of processing each element in list is known as_________. The data structures require to evaluation a postfix expression is________. The array representation of circular queue when it contains only one element. Front= (?).


iii. iv. v.

(Section-B) i. Built a tree. a. Preorder FAEKCDHGB b. In order - EACKFHDBG Difference between Doubly link list & Single link list. What do you mean by circular link list? Define the Algorithm of dequeue. Difference between binary search tree and complete binary tree. Algorithm for converting in fix expression to postfix.

ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

(Section-c) i. ii. Define memory allocation in c with proper heading. Define the operation of tree with depth of node, Traversing of nodes, degree of nodes, length of tree, level of node, path, sibling, height of nodes.

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