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Bible & Discipleship Studies

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study - Join Roland Berhent and others for this study at 9 a.m. in the
Fellowship Hall for a cup of coffee, a reading of scripture and a discussion of the days topic. You are always welcome!

Womens Bible Studies (WELCA Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America)
All women are invited to participate! St. John Women usually meet on second Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. Next. Meeting is Wed. Feb. 6 th with Margaret Stellhorn leading. St. Paul WELCA will meet 3rd Thursdays at 1:00. Next date is Feb. 21s with Betty Easton, hostess.

Monthly Small Group Bible Study

The group is on break until March. Contacts are: 419-341-9811 (Paul Lee) and 419-341-9144 (Patrice Lee). Weekly Wednesday Bible Study The Womens Wednesday Bible Study will begin the study of The Names of God. Books are available for $11.00. We meet on Wednesday morning at St. Paul at 11:00 am. All are welcome we are a very welcoming group join us whenever you can. Sandra Reep 419-732-7846. We are also indexing our Bibles with book of Bible tabs. If you would like to index your Bible please stop by on Wednesday to pick up or work on tabs. Cost is $3.00 per set.
*Note We will meet at Pastor Chriss home, 759 North Harbor Pointe Drive in Catawba, on Wednesday, February 6th!

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