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Samuel Toledo Roco Vzquez Ulises Hernndez Pablo Rodrguez Rubn Monter Karen Castillo Germn Hernndez English

nglish VIII January 2013

The Brazilian, also called Canarinha, has won the title of World Champion in five occasions, the last in the world korea Japan in 2002.


The usual colors of the Brazilian team are yellow, green and blue

Brazil's currency unit is the real (plural = reais) and is made up of 100 centavos and written using

the symbol R$

Brazil is the only Latin American country whose native language is Portuguese.


The municipalities of Santa Maria de Jetib and Pomerode language is German.

The municipality of So Gabriel da Cachoeira where e'engat is a South American language.

Mate ice cream Guarana: Caf: Munguz.

The carur
The moqueca: The galinha: Roupa velha: xinxim of

The feijoada

Just like the USA, Brazil can practice freedom of religion thanks to the newest constitution that was adopted in 1988. Below are the top five religions in Brazil today: Catholicism. Protestantism. The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint Jehovah's Witnesses Eastern Orthodox


Each state in Brazil has its own variations and influences: Paraba Savador of Bahia Amazonas Big River do Sul


Brazil's mixed and multicultural past has come together to create some of the finest music and dance on the planet. With influences from three continents there are perhaps three main genres that one should learn about before going to Brazil. Samba. Bossa Nova Tropical.

Dance $ Music

Carnivals Folia de Reis Cavalhadas Lemanja International Book Fair Party of Nova Trento and Azambuja Sanctuary


Christ the Redeemer statue. Amazonas theater. Lenis Maranhenses. Paraty.


Chapada Diamantina in Bahia.

Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul. Foz do Iguau.

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