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Phil Harrison Research into Channel and Time

Our Documentary is an investigative Documentary film about any possible effects that playing video games might have on teenagers mentally or physically. Given the fact that we might show clips of violence in games then the Documentary will have to be past a certain time in the evening so that no young children see the violence in the games. Therefore it would need to be on around 9pm. The documentary is aimed at Adults who have children who play video games either on a consistent basis or are playing game that are of a higher age rating. We hope to show the parents of these children and teenagers what effects playing these games may cause. Below is an image taken from the BBC website which show the different categories that each documentary will fall into. Our Documentary would most likely be Drama 2 which states the Documentary would be on BBC Three as it shows single (one off) documentaries which is what our Documentary falls into and also is seen as late night which fits our Documentary as it would contain video game images that is inappropriate for younger children.

Phil Harrison

However if we were to choose to put the documentary on Channel 4 then , as seen from the extract from the Channel 4 website above, our documentary would fit into a weekday slot at 22:00: which states that this is the time and day slot for. Popular and entertaining single documentaries or series that can take us into darker stories or more adult worlds. Our documentary fits this description as it is a single documentary and it will have more adult content because of the video game violence that we will show. Most adults will still be up at this time and so they will be able to see our documentary. Taking all this into account we have decided to put our documentary on channel 4 as it fits the description of our documentary In terms of the time it will be shown and the fact that it is for popular and entertaining single documentaries that can take us into darker stories or more adult worlds. This is why we have chosen to put it on channel 4 at 21:00.

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