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Unattainable, squealing darkened heart to feel what true hearts think they feel.

I am abandoned in the sun freezing limbs holding on to memories laced with thoughts of doom. I am abandoned in the moon beams watching my frail tears tread the light. Lips of old battered in new oil shinning with glazes of so called perfection.... What you see expect not to get. Rolling hills of mountaintops grazing a hell freezing upon a hell that burns on the outside in. True minds can't comprehend the battering of ones own sin. I am on the verge, loving what I can't fuck up, licking up my soul as it oozes from me with a two bladed tongue. I am what I am soaring from maroon sheets of wisdom that break into an onslaught of visions. You break me, then wake me from my dream embroidered by bountiful shining pools filled with snakes and columns and columns of embroidered perception holding up hell with a hell envisioned by the brutal. I am a whore in the eyes of a victim riding the night in the eyes of truth holding up utterly profound tears caked on with rust that are entwined with a blade and a cup filled with vodka pretending to be wine. What you see... don't expect to get.

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