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Blue Ashes My left wing is rotting at the edges and the disease is seeking my heart.

My disability is keeping me in the snow staining the perfect white I yearn for your frore palm to sweep the sour tears from my cheek. I find myself trailing flakes of dust in the sunbeams from my dark corner trying to realize the muting of the heart was a squander of the soul. I am a worry washing up onto a sullen shore I am a mess of smoldering ash.. blowing endlessly in the wind.. seeking a sunbeam so my journey can make sense The tempting blue.. the tempting waste... A stuttering fool of shame I am the hill, the rock, I am ashes to blue ashes... a flake of dust fluttering down upon your nose let me kiss you once again as a fluttering fool of nothing so I can feel it everywhere So I can feel it rush to every limb of my meagerly drifting body....

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