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As I watch the drops of rain Heisenberg wasn't really surprised - it was England, so of course it would be raining - but he didn't

expect to spend all his days in Cambridge locked inside. He was getting a bit pissed off with the British, the weird tasting food and the terrible weather. He just wanted to be home. The only good thing about his Cambridge holiday was Paul. Sure, the man was too literal at times and wouldn't recognize a joke even if it danced naked in front of him, but he was just nice to be around. Soon, he would start to enjoy Paul's company to a point where he would wait anxiously to spend time with him. Their first kiss was awkward. Heisenberg pinned Dirac against a wall and pressed their lips together, letting his hands slide down Paul's body while the other just stand there, not kissing back or pushing him away. He broke the kiss and they stared at each other for what seemed like ages before Paul pulled him closer and ravaged his lips. Later on the afternoon, they are a mess of tangled limbs in the living room floor. It has stopped raining and a clear sunlight drenches the room, making it both dark and bright at the same time. He tucks away a strand of hair that insisted on falling over Paul's eyes before moving over to the piano and playing something. Paul stayed there listening while a comfortable silence fell upon them. Their encounters continued following the same pattern: talking, kissing, making love and then music. Beethoven mixed with the sound of rain pouring outside, sly touches and trembling bodies of secret lovers. But not all afternoons were like that: in some of them, Heisenberg would play the piano until he was interrupted by Dirac's light footsteps bringing him a cup of tea. Then they would just watch the rain smashing the windows holding hands with a warm feeling between the two of them.

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