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The Figurine

Uddipan Mukherjee I drool - imagery of the figurine besets, while jacqueries flow in randomised directions I capture, attempt to, whilst - the insurrections whiz past, the figurine assails, pierces, and dragoons the cultivated intellectualism De-coupled from the norms, privileged as an outlaw, he still is not dispossessed of the elixir; I diminish, integument of the ink-shell - the figurine to blame?

I vaporise, under the condescension of immobility, arms on the chair, fingers concocting narcissism I forget, am forgotten, whilst the historian doesn't, the Shahs never run amuck - Bahadur, Wajid Ali and many De-constructed from the carefully woven matrix, they still are extant, along the holy nexus betwixt medieval and post-modern; I re-emerge, in fact, expand - the figurine to blame?

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