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Armstrong 1 Tyler Armstrong Mrs. Malmquist/Mrs.

McAllister ELA 11 7 November 2012 Drunk Driving Drunk Driving is an earthquake shaking the lives of friends and families alike. It is a blur that many cant remember but others will never forget. Drunk driving is like a hurricane tearing through the nation. It sounds like cries of anguish from a nightmare that you want to wake up from but cant. Drunk Driving is a car darting and damaging with a mind of its own. It is a thoughtless and heartless monster that acts without concern. I will mend the cracks this earthquake has created. I will place an aegis in the way of this great hurricane. I will clear the minds of those who are blurred and awaken people from their nightmare.

Armstrong 1

Tyler Armstrong Mrs. Malmquist/Mrs. McAllister ELA 11 7 November 2012

Drunk Driving With Embedded Explanations

Drunk Driving is an earthquake shaking the lives of friends and families alike. (Metaphor and Personification) It is a blur that many cant remember but others will never forget. (Simile) Drunk driving is like a hurricane tearing through the nation. (Simile) It sounds like cries of anguish from a nightmare that you want to wake up from but cant. (Simile) Drunk Driving is a car darting and damaging with a mind of its own. (Metaphor and Consonance) It is a thoughtless and heartless monster that acts without concern. (Metaphor) I will mend (Active Verb) the cracks this earthquake has created. I will place (Active Verb) an aegis in the way of this great hurricane. I will clear (Active Verb) the minds of those who are blurred and awaken people from their nightmare. (I will = anaphora)

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