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125g butter caster sugar 6 eggs - separate white from yolk - whip whites - yolk must be unbroken 125g

g dark choc (grated) 250g ground almonds 1/3 cup stale white breadcrumbs 3 slices bread, leave to dry a bit (mix easier) cut crusts off blades on mixer to make breadcrumbs

1tblespn dark rum - nothing or whisky or brandy - extra choc to melt w butter for topping

PROC. icing -

cream butter and sugar til light and fluffy, add yolks, beat in put in a large bowl stir in choc, ground almonds, breadcrumbs and rum beat egg whites til stiff stir into main mixture pour into pan (23cm round/21 :P ) put in mod oven 50min (180) take out of oven, let stand before turn it out melt extra choc and butter together over hot water 30g butter, 90g choc let cool a tad spread over cake

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