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If you and your friend were classmates in a bschool and you both got placed in same company at same position. But after one year you promoted and you have to supervise your friend. The problem arises that your friend started coming late and very often takes leave from the office Now what step you take to motivate and make your friend to work in a discipline manner.


Suppose you are a marketing executive of a firm As a marketing executive you have to attend various parties to develop new contacts or prospects. In these parties alcohol drinks are freely served. But consuming alcohol is against your moral values and even your wife is against it on the other hand your boss advises you to share drinks with present and prospective clients. Now , how will you act in this situation?


You are a HR manager of a departmentn HR manage. Two of your employees(1male n 1 female) are in love with each other but as per the policy of the department , two employees under one department cant be in any kind of relationship But the problem is these two employees are the most productive and you cant afford to loose them. So what decision will you take as an HR manager?

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