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If you drawing 5 circle using divider with the pattern of 360 : 5 you will draw a circle in each of 72

There were five principal offerings in the tabernacle and these were given to Moses from the erected tabernacle at the foot of mount Sinai. The Lord had filled the tabernacle with his presence (Exodus 40:34-38). The cloud settled upon and covered the outside of the tabernacle, while on the inside it was filled with the glory of the Lord. It was from here the Lord gave to Moses the 5 principle offerings that were to be given. This is recorded in Leviticus chapters 1 - 7, they are listed in some detail in chapters 1 - 5 as follows : -

chapter 1 the Burnt offering chapter 2 the Grain or meal offering chapter 3 the Peace or Fellowship offering chapter 4 the Sin offering chapter 5 the Trespass or Guilt offering

The five offerings fall into two classifications; the first three being offerings given when in communion with God. They are offerings of worship and could be called sweet-savour offerings. They were a sweet and pleasant fragrance to God that gave him pleasure, they speak of fellowship, worship, surrender, acceptance, and satisfaction. They were burnt within the camp and were given freely, a freewill offering given to God. The second two were given for communion with God and were a sacrifice for sin. These were not the sweet smelling savour because they spoke of sin and were obnoxious to God. They were not burnt upon the altar of God but outside the camp. The offer came before God as a sinner, confessing his sin and seeking forgiveness. He was commanded by God to bring them to obtain pardon, the sense of sin and guilt being prominent.

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