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Genesis 24:12

Prayer for a miracle or test of character?
Midrash Rabbah on 13: Four asked improperly: three were granted their requests in a good
way but the forth was not. The four are Eliezer (here), Caleb (Judges 1:12) Saul (Samuel 18:25)
and Yiftach (Judges 11:30).

Rashi on 14: She is worthy of him, for she will perform acts of kindness, and she is fit to enter
the house of Abraham;

Ramban on 14: Rashi is incorrect because his interpretation still leaves doubt in the mind of
Eliezer that the girl is the right one; she will be selected by her behavior rather than
providence. Instead, it should be interpreted as follows: Make it happen that the girl I speak to
will be the one that You have appointed and by this show kindness to Abraham for I will then
find out that she is from his extended family of good character and beautiful.

Rings and Pedigree, Country and Family
Rashi on 23: And he said,"Whose daughter are you?: He asked her this after giving her [the
gifts] because he was confident that in the merit of Abraham, the Holy One, blessed be He,
had caused his way to prosper.
Rashi on 47: And I askedand I placed: He reversed the sequence of events, because, in fact,
he had first given [her the jewelry] and then asked [about her family]. But [he changed the
order] lest they catch him in his words and say,How did you give her [the jewelry] when you
did not yet know who she was?
Ramban on 22: This verse omits the deed for it should have said: and the man took a golden
ring and put it on her nose and two bracelets upon her hands. Therefore I say that the
interpretation of the verse is as follows: He took the jewelry he would give her and then said,
whose daughter are you? After she had told him, then he placed the jewelry upon her. Here,
however, the Torah omits the actual giving, and similarly in many places.

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