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The year 2012 was a fairly good year for the Servers Guild, which consisted of four (4) acolytes. However, all the duties of the Guild were not effectively carried out due to the demands that came with full-time attendance to university, the working world and sometimes that of illnesses. Despite the obstacles however, the Servers Guild tried its Endeavour best to adequately assist the Priest by: moving the altar book from side to side upon request, bringing the bread and wine to the offertory, ministering the lavabo, and ringing the Sanctus bell (gong). We also performed different roles in the liturgical celebrations of the church, such as: a. The candle bearer, b. The crucifer, and c. The thurifer. Regardless of the number of acolytes present at Holy Eucharist, funerals or on feast days, we always try to honor our obligation to Christ and his church by making preparations for the respective celebrations. During the year the Servers Guild unanimously recommended Lawayne Simpson and Romone Hinds to be appointed as chief server and deputy chief server respectively by Reverend D. Sylvester-Brown; and by the end of the year, four (4) potential acolytes were inducted into the Guild, namely: Marc-Anthony Stewart, Carlvin Pusey, Ashley Chambers and Johvahn Brown. As the Guild ventures into the year 2013, we hope to improve in our contribution towards the smooth flow and orderly functioning of worship in the church. We Endeavour to be adequately prepared for our responsibilities and to perform our duties more diligently and faithfully, and by approaching the ministry with as much reverence, dignity and humility as possible.

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