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Parshas Bo Poem The 7th makkoh had passed long ago Yet Paraoh had not yet let

the Jews go Hashem decided that enough was enough Now wicked Paraoh would have it tough

Hashem brought arbeh with a wind from the east The locusts came and they had a lovely feast The Mitzriyim`s crops in the field vanished in thin air The locusts ate up everything and the Egyptian`s cupboards were bare

Paraoh was very worried and he called to Moshe right away Saying Please take away the locusts right now without delay If you do this I will let the Jews go free And in the desert, that is where you`ll be

Moshe davened to Hashem right on that day Hashem brought a western wind and took the locusts away Moshe now asked Paraoh to let the Yiden go But much to his dismay Paraoh still said no

Hashem brought choshech .The land became as dark as can be For 3 entire days the Mitzriyim couldn`t see But for the next three days they couldn`t move at all! No they couldn`t even kick a ball

But in those three days the Yiden could see And they searched through the Mitzriyim`s jewellery. When they went out they would ask for the Mitzriyim`s gold And the Mitzriyim would have to give it when they were told

They knew exactly where they kept each ring Each piece of jewellery. Everything. Paraoh ran to Moshe on the 6th day Saying please take this makkoh of choshech away

Moshe davened to Hashem Who made the makkoh go But as you can imagine Paraoh once again said no Said Hashem to Moshe A lamb of one year Shall be roasted and eaten and its blood you should smear

On the doorposts and the lintel that is right Do just this on the designated night Everything went according to plan The lamb was eaten by each child, woman and man

When midnight struck the Mitzriyim`s firstborns were slain Paraoh was the only bechor to remain He ran to Moshe in absolute fright And told him to leave Mitzrayim on that night.


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