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1202 Kenwood Ave Austin, TX, 78704

October, 3rd, 2012 Mrs. Kay Bailey Hutchison Senator 961 Federal Building 300 East 8th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Dear Sen. Hutchison: The National Debt Every day I listen to the news and for the past few years the airwaves have been dominated by discussion about the bad economy, how there are no jobs, and the national debt. Directly following these stories I hear multiple reports on the many countries currently occupied by American troops. The solution to our national debt seems obvious to me and it is not tax cuts, bailouts, or government subsidies. It seems that swift withdrawal of funding and troops from all foreign nations will take a huge chunk out of our countries expenditures. I am aware that it is more complicated than simply leaving one day, I know it takes time and assurance that these countries will be fine without us. In a time of such high unemployment and underemployment we need to focus more on our own citizens than the citizens of other countries. As one of the largest economys and most powerful countries we have been integral in national peace keeping for the past century but at this point it is important that we dont try to do more than we are capable of or we will quickly lose that status. I am a high school student, me and my peers are the future of this country. I will be eligible to vote for the first time this year and will do what I can to protect the American dream so that my country will continue being the example of freedom, democracy, and economic excellence that it has been. Please help me by voting against future entry or excessive funding of foreign occupations.

Sincerely, Dominique I. Kaplowitz

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