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1. Emphasizes: Effective action against such groups by the government is an absolute must 2. Reaffirms: To be willing to cooperate and work closely with all the countries of the region to eliminate the
scourge of terrorism 3.

Requests: all States and international organizations to thoroughly review their policies and approaches to
overcome terrorism

4. Urges: Echoing the call for a clear definition of terrorism and an early conclusion, representative from different countries also stressed that for the Global Strategy to succeed, the root causes of terrorism needed to be addressed. 5. Encourages: citizens to report any doubtful and unknown belongings seen or sighted to the responsible government authorities 6. Supports: any type of anti-terrorism related authorities to eliminate terrorism once and for all 7. Appreciates: any surrenders or give ups from the terrorism world are to be appreciated 8. Adopts: better policies from other countries and regions against terrorism
9. 10. 11. 12. Suggests: measures , policies and procedures to eliminate and overcome terrorism Declares: themselves and their society and organizations are to be against terrorism Welcomes: any new anti-terrorism organizations to help take steps against this clause The belief: in a peaceful society and to end terrorism and to finish this suffering once and for all

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