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Shes sitting in a white plastic chair holding a glass of vodka while literally staring at him.

Liza, the girl that Im talking about, shes introspectively and quietly asking herself what happened to them? How they end up sitting 4 people apart from each other and not cuddling in this cold weather Shes about to cry after having more than 5 glass of liquor, after having nostalgic thoughts in mind, after wishing if she can still have him. Her eyes are a little bit of foggy but she tries to hold herself up, she doesnt want to make any scene. More liquor had been drink and its 2am in the morning their friends is already sleepy and so they are. They went into one of their friends room that was painted in white and green colors and there was a coke painted on the ceilings room. Finally, Liza and Kobi talked to each other, tease each other and then when the light was out, theyre sleeping together, again but this time they were just friends. It was a fully air-conditioned room and Kobi hugged her in that dark night. He push his body as close as he can to her, he breath in her ears and Liza feels the warmth in her breathe while

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