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Drew Beaty Causes of WWI

There were many causes of World War I, but four in particular stand out. Imperialism had a major part in causing the war. European countries fought over land, territory, and colonies in foreign countries, mainly for resources. Militarism, the second cause, played a big role too. Prior to the war, many European countries had built up their armies and stocked them with machinery. This was important because many people signed up for the military expecting to fight, so when the chance came they accepted the opportunity. The pride for their countries, or nationalism, caused many countries to want to prove their country was better in the war. Finally, alliances proved to be the most dangerous in my opinion. Although alliances were designed to make a country stronger, alliances mainly just dragged other countries into the conflict. When Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Serbia, alliances made the conflict bigger until it reached the span of the globe.

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