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IntroI am going to introduce my topic and provide my thesis with the problem hat I am going to be talking about throughout

my paper. I am also going to provide a brief background of my topic. Body Para 1I am going to give an example to my problem and through that example I am going to explain why this shows the urgency of my problem and how it is affecting the community. Example-

The ports in Los Angeles are the leading contributor of air pollution in the city. The reason these ports are the leading cause for air pollution in Los Angeles is because of all the activity that goes on in them.
Body Para 2I am going to give an example of a more specific reason to why this is an issue. I am going to try and focus in a specific area that is affected. Example-

A recent study was undertaken by the University of California, Los Angeles about recent freeway closures and their effects on air pollution. When this was happening scientists from the school tested the air quality in each of the ten days and saw a decrease in air pollution which lead to an 83% better air quality in the area.
Body Para 3I am going to give an example of a more specific reason to why this is an issue. I am going to try and focus in a specific area that is affected. Example-

In a recent study performed by the University of Southern California, it talked about how air pollution is negatively affecting the health of the residents in the city. The residents it was affecting directly were children located 75 meters (250 feet) away from a busy roadway. The air pollution was creating a poor environment for the children to be outside and to hangout and just be children.
Body Para 4I am going to try and focus on something that maybe the public would not know to be a reason in affecting my topic. Example-

Along with all of the pollution coming from the ports and motored vehicles, there is an unsuspected air polluted contributor that most citizens not only in the city of Los Angeles are unaware of, but other cities across the United States also. This issue at hand that few are aware of for polluting the air is fast food restaurant chains. The fast food restaurants are actually damaging the air quality in Los Angeles just as much as the ports of Los Angeles do.
Body Para 5I am going to present graphic evidence into the issue. Example-

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