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Lindsay Burkett Mr.

Neuberger English 102, Sec 117 29 Feb 2013 Response Essay On Dumpster Diving Lars Eighners essay On Dumpster Diving accentuates the evidence of our societys wasteful tendencies with both common and sentimental items found in dumpsters. It is out of personal necessity that he begins the mission, for his own survival depends on the waste of others. Labeling himself a scavenger, Eighners homelessness also allows him an independence that comes with a personal reward of accomplishment. He lacks the ugliness of vanity and educates himself of the work needed to support life, including the scouting certain areas for specific items and the sorting of foods. He states, I acquired many things from dumpsters (254) and further explains his journey through college campuses where students assumption of spoilage comes earlier than the actual occurrence. In summary, Eighners three year journey as a diver portrays a vivid understanding of how one may survive beyond comfort, all the while becoming more observant of the journey one takes through another mans garbage. Now I hardly pick up anything without envisioning the time I will cast inside (265) Word Count: 194

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