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President, Coordinated Financial Services

Paul Stabile, Director oI Planned Giving Ior the Diocese oI Pittsburgh
'Ive worked with Karl Ohrman with respect to an Executive Benefit Plan that was verv
beneficial as well as an insurance program that benefits charitable institutions with no cost to be
insured. I highlv recommend Karl for both his knowledge and dependabilitv.`

Dr. Thomas A. Emmet, president oI Higher Education Executive Associates, Colorado.
'Karl Ohrman is most professional in his dealings with college and universitv

Michael DeSalle, vice president oI Iinance, Columbia College Chicago.
'Karl Ohrmans knowledge assisted Columbia College Chicago in a ten month review
and analvsis process. Karl was verv helpful to all of the executive staff.

George J. Omiros, executive director oI The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
'Karl Ohrman is the consummate professional in financial planning. His keen sense has
made breakthroughs in assisting others in their planning for the future.`

Louis Piconi, property developer, Rotary International Director.
'In mv professional career of over thirtv vears, I have met no one with a higher degree of
professionalism. Karl is sincerelv sensitive to the needs of others.`

Timothy Parks, past president and chieI executive oIIicer, Pittsburgh Regional Alliance.
'Karl Ohrman has provided superb consulting in guiding me and the organi:ations
Board of Directors through the process of building our strategv. I have found Karl to be verv
knowledgeable, terrificallv client oriented and a professional of the highest order.`

Dr. Robert Foltz, past president oI Goodwill Industries oI Pittsburgh.
'Karl Ohrman has a long standing reputation as a competent and trusted financial
consultant as well as an active civic and communitv leader.`

Ben Cooper, President, Karlsberg International Insurance Company.
'Karl is a highlv respected financial professional in the nonprofit marketplace. Hes
honest, diligent and knowledgeable.`

Joel Nagel, Chairman ECI
'I give Karl mv highest rankings. He is devoted to his nonprofit specialtv and is verv
active in Rotarv as well as other communitv activities.`

Andrew Dlinn, President, Senior Wealth Management
'Karl is dedicated to his profession and serves his clients with a passion and true caring.

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