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BIO 2263 Unit 2 Exam Study Guide (SP 2013)

Topic 5: Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Know and understand the definitions of the following terms: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Aneurysm Ascites Basilar Fracture Comminuted Fracture Concussion Consciousness Contusion Dementia Embolus Hematoma Hydrocephalus Hypoxia Ischemia Laceration Seizure Stroke Thrombus Traumatic Brain Injury

Discuss the manifestations of a primary focal TBI.

Know the difference between a coup and coup-contrecoup injury.

Describe the etiology of a concussion and the differences in manifestations of a mild vs. severe concussion.

Explain how a diffuse axonal injury can occur.

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BIO 2263 Unit 2 Exam Study Guide (SP 2013)

Compare and contrast the three forms of hematomas that can occur as a secondary sign/symptom of TBI.

Describe the effect of ischemia on the brain.

Summarize the process of excitatory amino acid injury in the brain.

Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, and manifestations of cerebral aneurysm.

Understand the clinical significance of a transient ischemic attack.

Recall the risk factors for a stroke.

Explain the differences between a hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

Know the pathogenesis and manifestation of an ischemic stroke.

Recall the function of the specific brain areas listed in the table in your notes. Be able to describe how damage to these areas would manifest as signs or symptoms.

Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, and manifestations for the following diseases: o Alzheimers Disease o o o Parkinsons Disease Multiple Sclerosis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Explain the differences between primary and secondary seizure disorders.

Recount the differences between partial and generalized primary seizures.

Summarize the different manifestations of generalized seizures.

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BIO 2263 Unit 2 Exam Study Guide (SP 2013)

Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, and manifestations for the following diseases: o Clinical Depression o o o o Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia Panic Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Compare and contrast migraine, cluster, and tension headaches.

Identify the brain center altered by addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Explain the role of tolerance in alcoholism and addiction.

Name the organs commonly damaged by alcoholism.

Topic 6: Endocrine Imbalances: Know and understand the definitions of the following terms: o o o o o o o o o o o o o Bradycardia Exophalmia Goiter Hormones Hypercalcemia Hyperfunction Hyperglycemia Hypofunction Hypoglycemia Hypokalemia Hyponatremia Hypovolemia Myxedema
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BIO 2263 Unit 2 Exam Study Guide (SP 2013)

o o o o o Polydipsia Polyphagia Polyuria Tachycardia Vitiligo

Know the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary endocrine disorders.

Describe the pathway controlling the release of growth hormone.

List the normal functions of growth hormone.

Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, and manifestations for the following diseases: o Pituitary dwarfism o o o Pituitary growth hormone hyposecretion in adults Gigantism Acromegaly

Describe the pathway controlling the release of the thyroid hormones (thyroxine).

List the normal functions of the thyroid hormones.

Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, and manifestations for the following diseases: o Primary hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) o Secondary hyperthyroidism o Primary hypothyroidism (Cretinism) o Secondary hypothyroidism Describe the pathway controlling the release of the adrenal cortex hormones.

List the normal functions of the adrenal cortex hormones.

Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, and manifestations for the following diseases: o Adrenal hypercortisolism
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BIO 2263 Unit 2 Exam Study Guide (SP 2013)

o o o o Pituitary hypercortisolism (Cushings disease) Primary adrenocortical hypofunction (Addisons disease) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Secondary adrenocortical hypofunction

Discuss the normal physiologic functions of insulin. Explain the physiological imbalance that results in diabetes mellitus. Compare and contrast the etiology and pathogenesis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Describe the following manifestations of diabetes mellitus: o Hypoglycemia o Diabetic Ketoacidosis o Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome o Neuropathy o Angiopathy o Infections

Topic 7: Reproductive Disorders (Independent study): If you have taken the topic quiz and feel comfortable with those questions, you will not have any problem with the 2 questions on the Unit 2 exam about this topic. I didnt want to do an elaborate list of topics to study because it would put too much emphasis on the least important part of your exam. Focus on the other topics.

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