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Como inducer sueos lucidos y desprendimiento astral.

Publicado el 09/03/2012 por BinauralBrainwave This video is a lucid dreaming tool, to be used in conjunction with the practice of daily 'reality checks'. Even though they're not required for Isochronic Tones, I recommend using headphones for greater immersion. ***BEFORE YOU START, be sure to skip to the affirmations on 65 mins so that you can adjust the volume to a level which won't startle you. The low-delta wave in the first 65 minutes will assist in putting you into a deep dreamless sleep. The next segment features a theta-wave to help transit your mind into REM sleep. A separate thetawave layer displays the occasional pin pointed-peak at 40 Hz. (" EEG machine recorded frequencies in the 40 Hz range in lucid dreamers enjoying a bit of conscious REM..." There are also a series of recorded vocals to help trigger lucidity, i.e. ''You are dreaming"; "do a reality check", "this is a dream", "you are taking control of your dream" etc. I decided not to use music in this session as I find it to be too distracting for a LD induction. For faster results, use in conjunction with my other two LD videos, which can be found in my 'Lucid Dreaming' playlist. Also be sure to do constant reality checks throughout the day. This way, when the voice-recording asks you to ''do a reality check'', you will have a greater chance of triggering lucidity.
Categora: Gente y blogs Licencia: Licencia estndar de YouTube

1) Put your clock to wake you 4 - 6 hours later, example: 20:30 ---> 2:30 2) Get out of your bet, walk around your house for 2 - 3 minutes, you can drink water, read something about lucid dreams, whatever you want (no more than 5 minutes) 3) Get back to your bed, put your headphones and RELAX, (try not to move your body), the correct position should be with your arms at your sides, but it didnt worked for me, when I achieved sleep paralysis I was lying on my arms.

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