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P2.Apply cut,copy and paste option in Ms-word.

P2.Give bullets to input devices and numbering to output devices.

P2.Explain find and replace option in Ms-word.

P2.Show different views of ms-word.

P2.How to create tables in Ms-word.

P2.Explain insert-picture option of ms-word.

P2.How to insert autoshapes in ms-word . insert any three autoshapes in ms-word and add some text in autoshapes. P2.Write the necessary steps to insert header and footer in Word document.

P2.Explain page setup option.

P2.Draw a text box and show the different text direction given in text box.

P2.How to give password security in word document.

P2.apply aritmatic operators for the following given data: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 25 28 15 15 25 20 10 3

P2.Create a bill in Ms-excel showing the following details. 1 2 3 4 Particulars Lux soap Pears Soap Colgate Rin Quantity 10 Pcs 5 Pcs 2 tubes 10 pcs Rate per unit 10 25 50 15 amount 100 125 100 150

Also calculate the total amount using Sum function. P2.explain pivot table in ms-excel. P2.Explain Sumif function. P2.Show the student marklist containing marks of five different subjects and also calculate the total and percentage . P2.Show conditional formatting feature in ms-excel. P2.Use the following different functions in ms-excel sheet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MIN() MAX() AVG() SQRT() SUM()

P2.How to create columnar chart in ms-excel.

P2.Create a pie chart showing the literacy and illiteracy rate percentage. P2.Write the necessary steps

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